guilt-free music downloading

Do you ever feel guilty about downloading music illegally? Is your conscience telling you that you should not have downloaded the entire new Justin Timberlake cd for free, but instead payed some $10 and downloaded it from iTunes. Well, I never have this poblem but after the jump I will show you a guilt free way of downloading music.

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Make Your Asian Girlfriend Happy

silent mouseYes, it has been confirmed that Asian girls do not like the sound of a computer mouse clicking. Don’t worry though, because I have just what you need. It is called the Silent Mouse 2 and it will make your Asian woman smile (see picture above). Not only is this mouse silent, but it feels nice too. Just give your Asian girlfriend one of these instead of that stuffed panda you were thinking of.

Some serious information on the Silent Mouse as well as the Silent Keyboard after the jump.

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dog ass towel hanger

Doggy Butt Towel Hanger

According to the manufacturer, this product will “bring a smile to your face every time you go to dry your hands.” Well, that may be true if they are talking about that awkward smile you give after saying an inappropriate joke at the dinner table or after the person next to you in class noticed that it was, in fact, you who just farted. What I know for sure is that this product will either scare your next date away from your apartment or give you a nice bit of conversation. Hey, here’s your chance to use that awkward smile we were just talking about.

If you are the one-in-a-hundred that would be interested in this product, it is being made by Perpetual Kid. Have fun and keep those hands clean.

Note: I take no responsibility if this product does not actually manage to hold up you towel.

Dog-End Towel Holder


Do you talk and smoke?

Cell Phone LighterIt seems like the Japanese are always inventing new things–things that we may not really need, but sure are cool to look at. This lighter is being sold by from Japan. It might be the prefect tool for those who smoke and need a new cell phone. I wouldn’t expect it to work with American cell phone companies (or even Japanese ones by the cheap look of this product), so sorry to splash your dreams. If you want this to just be cool though, the website says it will cost you about 380 yen (3 US dollars). Since, I don’t know how to read Japanese I cannot say if it does function as an actual cell phone, though.

Keitai 3 Liter Cell Phone (Japanese website)


Look, No Hands!

Toilet Seat Lifer 1

Hey guys. Are you always being nagged by your girlfriend to lift the toilet seat so you don’t pee on it? You know that someone else already peed on the toilet seat and you don’t want to touch that, right? Well, this is exactly what you need. I often find myself lifting the toilet seat with my foot. I have become pretty good at it so I do not need this product. For those of you newbies out there, this one is for you.

You can pick it up at Amazon if you so feel inclined. For 30 bucks it might be worth it.

Toilet Seat Lifter

For those of you who want one but don’t want to spend 30 bucks check out a similar product after the jump.

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