pee bag

pee bag 1Remember that scene in Dumb and Dumber where they pee in beer bottles and the cop drinks it? Well, college students are a little bit smarter than those two (hopefully).

The product we are showing you today is made by a German company who calls it Roadbag. With that name, I take it you can’t really tell what it is so allow me to explain.

This little device can store up to 700ml of pee. It turns it into gel so you have no problems if the thing roles over or if you keep it in your man-purse.

Jump to see more pictures and some ideas of what this could be used for.

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special report: what you need to know about the iPhone

We all know what an iPod is. Being at a big university all I see when I am walking from class to class is people hooked-up to their little white earphones. What an impact Apple has had on the market.

iPhoneLast Friday, Apple released their glorious new iPhone and over the weekend over 500,000 700,000 units have been sold in Apple stores and AT&T stores. Half a million in not even three days! What is the iPhone exactly? The iPhone is an all inclusive video iPod, cell phone, web browser, email-checker, 2.0 megapixel camera, and more. It even has youtube.One of the coolest things the iPhone features is a huge a touch screen that you click using your fingers. Be advised, however, there are horror stories of people not being able to use the touch screen effectively (although the unit does correct some errors while typing). The iPhone does not supply you with any stylus, buttons, or keyboards; none of that is needed here.

Jump to find out what the iPhone does not have, some funny stories, and the coolest iPhone commercial.

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Learn to Fight

Knights FightToday, I will teach you all how to win a fight, i.e. beat someone up (but only if they deserve it). These techniques should only be used for self defense and if there is no way out of a fight. The best way to not to lose a fight is not to fight at all. Before we begin, let me go through some basic fight etiquette so we can familiarize ourselves with them.

  1. No man-verse-woman fighting. Women can be vicious, men, so this is for your safety.
  2. No three-on-one fighting unless you are fighting Jet Li. This is for you Hispanics, especially. Don’t get your primos Juan and Hector to help you out in your fight.
  3. No kicking in the balls (unless he really deserves it).
  4. No ripping each others clothes. This is not a strip show; it is a fight.
  5. Also, you generally shouldn’t hit someone unless they are already aware that you are trying to do so. If they manage to get up after, you might have one angry mo-fo on your behind.
  6. Lastly, do not hit someone after they are incapable of hitting you any more, i.e. if he is on the ground screaming like a little girl. This is generally considered assault even if the other person started the fight.

Alright, now that we know how to be chivalrous let’s get started with some actual fighting tips after the jump.

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apple evolution

With the iPhone coming out soon, why don’t we take a look at what the Apple company has come up with over the years. I remember them being around even when I was a child, but the impact Apple has today in the college world with the iPod, Powerbooks, and now, the iPhone is tremendous. Bill, watch your back…

Just click the image below to see the full image.

apple evolution small

Note: This image is not copyrighted by me. It was taken from


this woman can spin both ways

spinning womanHere is a little something to keep you busy for a bit. It is a naked woman that literally spins both ways, in your mind that is. Just look at her and she might appear to be spinning clockwise or is it counter-clockwise? Look at the shadow to help you out. It took me a little bit but now I can make her spin in whichever direction I want just by thinking it. If only real women were this easy to control.

Check out the full illusion after the jump and have fun.

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