facebook is for the middle-aged

facebookFacebook is such a big part of college life, nowadays. It is continuously becoming even more so. Sometimes, I even forget how to manually talk people or how to invite my friends to a party. Oh, and what would I do when I lost my phone?As it seems, ever since Facebook opened its doors to everyone who wanted to sign up, membership has skyrocketed, hitting 26.6 million in May, but the only people who seem to be joining the site now are people not in college. 10.4 million users are over the age of 35 and a somewhat big proportion is under the age of 18. Just be careful with your mom and younger sister seeing all those crazy pictures your friends uploaded of last weekend.



the naked roommate

The Naked Roommate: And 107 Other Issues You Might Run Into in CollegeI came across this book at the local Barnes and Noble and the first few pages were interesting enough to compel me to put it here. The Naked Roommate: And 107 Other Issues You Might Run Into in College is a book by Harlan Cohen. It is basically an advice book about how to deal with strange and not-so-strange circumstances you might find yourself in while at college. You can get it today for $4.44 ($10 off the list price).

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get shocked on purpose!

sock selfRemember when you were a little kid and you would stick your baby brother’s fingers into the light socket to see him jump up? No, you weren’t being mean. You were teaching him about electricity. Imagine if he had to get electrocuted by lightning through a kite to discover that.

Well, now that we are in college one would think it would be childish to be doing the same thing. Well, not everybody thinks that. If you still have that desire to shock people (or yourself you sadistic psychopath), then check this out.

It is call vilcus plug dactyloadapter, which pretty much just means idiot shocking machine. You stick your fingers into the holes and plug it into a light socket to get shocked. We even get adapters to use either in European or American light sockets.

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good will hunting

Good Will Hunting (Miramax Collector's Series) Today’s daily deal is the collector’s edition of Good Will Hunting which you can get brand new for $5.99. Good Will Hunting is one of my favorite movies of all time and it is probably the most appropriate movie to start out the collegebeing.com daily deal.

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air-conditioned bed

If you’re anything like me you just can’t stand sleeping and being hot at the same time. This often presents a problem for college students who are unfortunate enough to land themselves in a dorm lacking an important feature–air conditioning.

Hopefully you go somewhere cooler during the summer, but I know many of my friends staying up in Boston are going to suffer. This product goes out to you.

air-conditioned bed 1


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