Harvard v. RIAA: Harvard tells schools to not give in to RIAA demands

riaa toiletpaperYesterday, the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School released a statement to all other schools. It was entitled “Universities to RIAA: Take a Hike.”

For those too pure to know what the RIAA is, let me explain. The Recording Industry Association of America is a company that works all kind of lawyer-magic and shady deals in order to stop the illegal sharing of the music owned by their members. Pretty much any popular music artist belongs to the RIAA. The RIAA boasts having 90% of all legitimate music sales in the U.S. If you have ever been sued or heard of someone being sued for downloading music, these were the guys behind it.

Jump to find out what Harvard is saying.

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jonhs.net free movies


That site offers free movies for watching at your pleasure. Most are in public domain (enough time passed and now copyright is expired) so they can be shown for free. There are, however, some movies I found that are new documentaries or Hollywood films. These are most definitely not in public domain so there is some copyright infringement going on. According to the author of the page, he does not post these videos up and offers an easy way for copyright holders to remove their content. Even with all of this, we shouldn’t hold up much hope that the site will be up for long due to the recent wrath of the MPAA. Go check it out before it gets shut down.

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Logitech AudioStation Express for iPodThe Logitech AudioStation is one of the coolest and best-looking iPod speakers I have seen. It is small and simple, just like the iPod. Plus, that orange is so nice-looking. Get it for 40% off ($59.00).

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more sex = more safe

bussYes, it is true. “But how can it be?,” you might ask. Well, according to Michael Kremer at Harvard, who did a study on the British acquisition of AIDS, the spread of the virus could be significantly slowed down if everyone with fewer than 2.25 sexual partners per year (75% of all heterosexuals age 18 to 45) were to have more sex.

Sounds crazy? Jump and I will explain it to you.

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)Harry Potter is the top-selling children’s book of all time. I do not need to tell you want it is, just that it is available for $17.99 from Amazon. You will get it on the first day available plus a $5 gift certificate. Click the picture to visit the page.

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