what not to do to your computer: bake it

burning computerWell here is an interesting story I read today:

Barb from LuckyWhiteGirl.com likes to store her computer in her oven. Yes, I found it strange too, but she explains herself by saying that it is because her windows do not have locks and she does that to keep it safe from burglars. From burglars it was safe, but it was not safe from her boyfriend GIL, who turned the oven on to bake some fries. He must have missed the large laptop computer sitting in there. Oops.

Well, that is not even the amazing part of the story. The amazing part is that the laptop actually worked after giving an error messaging saying that it overheated (I wonder what caused that to happen).

Here is a link to her post so you can see her melted laptop pictures and to give her some link love (although she doesn’t need it having been on the front page of Digg and all).

Moral of the story is the oven is a great place to hide your computer front burglars.

[picture taken by David Knudsen (dknudsen)]


i’m famous! well… no.

So I was looking on Collegehumor.com one day, and I found this.


Guess what ladies and gentlemen? I could have been famous, because you know why?

Because I decided one day that I would browse cuteoverload.com. I found this little picture of the bunny, and decided to add some text and use it as my facebook profile picture. Low and behold, it’s now on over 500 sites/forums, and now appears on CollegeHumor.

But really I just wanted to share some funny picture with you guys and gals. Quite honestly it’s a pretty common idea, that I bet a lot of people did but didn’t release. :P

Here’s the original edit by me:

Original Bunny Cry

Jump to see the original image.

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dormitem.com interviews chris

college being - chrisDormItem.com, a free college classified search engine, has just interviewed me on their blog. It was an honor and Dan is such a nice guy. His website is truly awesome, check it out.

Read the interview here to find out who is my anti-role model and if I use MySpace or Facebook.


mapmyrun.com – so nothing unexpected ever happens

map my runMapMyRun.com is a website that allows you to completely map out your entire run before you even start. They take into account unpredictabilities such as need to go to the rest room, the sudden urge to stretch, or a place to get aids (the good kind).

The website runs off some kind of Google Maps engine so you should already know how it works. It has the same zoom function, the ability to change from map mode to satellite mode or a mixture of both.

Jump to find out about more features.

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250 multivitamins

Centrum, 250-Count BottleIn order to be healthy, everyone should be taking a multivitamin everyday, especially college students. Multivitamins keep you from getting sick, keep your skin healthy, and give you the stuff you need to maximize your body’s potential. Centrum from A to Zinc is my favorite one, but usually goes for 30 bucks at the local drug store/20 bucks at the local Walmart. Well, here they are for $17.35.

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