Writers’ Strike Possibly Over, Deal Has Been Made
“It’s over,” Michael Eisner, former Disney executive, said on CNBC’s “Fast Money.” “A deal has been made, and they’ll be back to work very soon,” he continued.
[Photo credit: mrfilms1]
“It’s over,” Michael Eisner, former Disney executive, said on CNBC’s “Fast Money.” “A deal has been made, and they’ll be back to work very soon,” he continued.
[Photo credit: mrfilms1]
With all the media attention surrounding elections it sometimes seems like they are pre-decided for us. Mitt Romney is following in Giuliani and Edward’s footsteps and giving up on becoming president in 2008. Yesterday, Romney announced, “In this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror.” Little is known as to what this has to do with his dropped bid, but perhaps it has something to do with obtaining only 286 delegates, compared to McCain’s 697, on Super Tuesday.
Romeny has now left Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul as even remote contenders for the Republican bid, although neither is likely to pull enough numbers to seriously be considered. The candidate for the Democratic Party still remains open with Obama just a few points below Clinton.
[Photo credit: Tim Somero]
During the last couple of nights, College Being was sent almost a dozen emails concerning errors in the California primary election. Respesentatives of the California Republican party had no comment for us, but the following video does shed some more insight into the situation:
[youtube zWKxwVZmomc nolink]
Note: The main issue being demonstrated in the video is not whether or not the gentleman was allowed to film (he was allowed to), but the mysterious party swamping which occurred.
ST PETERSBURG — An ex-boxer kills a pedophile after seeing the man rape his child. Russian police say they are considering reducing the charges due to the circumstances. Click to continue reading…
Two new changes to Ebay have caused some users distress. First, Ebay changed their commission rate. They advertised this as a reduction, but in actuality Ebay now charges more for each item sold. Secondly, Ebay has removed the ability to give negative feedback. The thinking behind this was to remove a user’s fear of leaving bad feedback and receiving bad feedback in by the other user in an act of revenge. Many users believe this will just enable sellers to not pay attention to select buyers without fear of receiving negative feedback. Perhaps, instead of getting rid of what made so many users found of Ebay five years ago, the company should find some middle ground.