Real-Name System in the Field of E-commerce has been Imperative

Abstract: With the rapid development of society, internet has become an essential tool of more and more people, meanwhile the development of e-commerce is vigorous and unstoppable, which raises concerns about security of the internet society–a virtual society. To keep the security of the cyber world and avoid the fraud through internet, especially through e-commerce transactions, all parties concerned should try their utmost to promote the development of e-commerce real-name system, which will become a milestone in the development of e-commerce.

With the rapid development of society, internet has become an essential tool of more and more people, even becoming a means of livelihood for somebody. Information from the Ministry of Information & Industry tells us that, as of February this year, the number of netizens of China had reached 221 million, which has surpassed that of the United States. What we can say is that the internet is also a large society. Although this society is virtual, it is already closely related to every aspect of our life. Since such a large group of people live in the virtual society, if there are no laws and regulations and proper guidance of the government, there will be serious social problems,. At present, there are already some persons who use the vulnerabilities of internet for fraud. They usually hide their real identity and use false or anonymous information to get other’s property illegally. Because of the characteristics of the cyber world, such cases are very difficult to be detected. How to deal with Internet fraud and protect network security has become the concerns of the government and the netizens.

The South Korean government had been promoting use of real names on the internet since 2002, and formally launched a real-name system in October of 2005, following several cases of privacy violation and defamation on the internet by anonymous users in the year. Click to continue reading…


Global Agreements are Useless; or, Why I’m Cynical About Everything

So, the G8 nations (Group of 8, the world’s leading economic powers) have agreed on a proposal to cut greenhouse gases in half. Sounds good, right? Only problem: their target date is 2050. You know, 42 years from now. When every single person responsible for this vote is long dead, or at the very least happily retired and completely senile.

Pose for the cameras, talk about Doing Something For The World, and then set a timeline that ensures nothing actually has to happen while you’re still in office. The only way we can change politics is to actually do something different. This one’s greenhouse gases, but the exact same principle applies for ending the war, doing something about poverty, combating gangs, or basically doing anything meaningful with regard to politics anywhere in the world. Your elected leaders are self-serving assholes, your fellow countrymen are brainwashed and probably stupid to boot, and the media (who is supposed to keep an eye on them) doesn’t bother reporting on anything more meaningful than paparazzi shots of some washed-up singer’s pooter.

Time to buy guns, folks.

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A New Concern for B2B — Registration with Autonym on


With the remarkable development of internet for decades, B2B (Business to Business), a virtual platform with positive effects for both suppliers and customers, seems to reveal its significance in the administration with low cost and great efficiency. Where the shoe pinches for B2B, however, consists in the risk of the trade on the very virtual platform, by which the distant bargain brings the fallibility between the copartners instead of a definite plain dealing in traditional face-to-face business. Consequently, registration with autonym applied by certain network operators such as has turned to be a new concern for B2B for several reasons.

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Earth quake, heart broken, strong linker

Next year, it will be the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. 173 days and 58 years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this land a new nation, conceived in the people’s democratic dictatorship and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created republic. Now we are engaging in a great but hard war between nature and human being. From 12th May, 2008 so far, we are met on the battlefield of this earth quake and we have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final-resting place for those who gave their lives that more people might live, and for those survivors and victims who suffered from this terrible sudden catastrophe. Click to continue reading…

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Breaking News: Block All Facebook Applications

You may now block all Facebook applications from sending you invites or block that one specific person who seems to invite you to join every single application on Facebook. Finally!

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