RIP Tim Russert

NBC reporter Tim Russert, most famous for his show “Meet The Press,” died today at the age of 58 from a heart attack. Russert was one of the few remaining American journalists who actually bothered to ask tough questions, and will be missed.

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Friday Funnies and the Return of Booze Reviews

Next week marks our first birthday and in traditional hobbit form (thanks Michael, my Lord of the Rings informant), we will be giving out presents instead of receiving them. ‘Cause that’s just the way we roll!

Due to popular demand, Booze Reviews will be coming back to College Being. Nick, one of our occasional writers started the idea with Pabst Blue Ribbon and since, we have reviewed Newcastle Brown Ale, Killian’s Irish Red, Red Stripe, and others. Due to the recent emails I have been getting on the topic, we will start doing Booze Reviews for all you beer drinkers, wine fanatics, and alcoholics that visit College Being.

Also, I will be starting the Friday Funnies. They will consist of small and long, but usually short, jokes every Friday. Fridays are not meant to be taken seriously so we will go to the ends of the Earth to bring you the best jokes to brighten up the fact that your Friday is not yet over and you have to go through eight more hours of work/school. Suckers. :)

Feel free to tip us with any jokes you find extraordinarily funny.




Mechanics are always trying to rip people off. And since not everybody has a BS in car mechanics, RepairPal gives you honest quotes on your latest car repairs. Just crashed that old Toyota Carolla? Before you go for repairs, make sure to check out RepairPal to see if you are getting an honest quote. The site takes into account your make, model, and even area. Also featured is a rating system to rate local mechanics using your new knowledge and a discussion area for help on common problems.

[via Lifehacker]

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Barak Obama Wins Nomination: OMG He’s Black!

Obama is black and will be back during the fall for the real election according the the latest AP tally. This marks the closest a black person ever came to becoming president. Hopefully, Obama is going to break another record before the end of the year. Or else, we will be in Iraq for 1,000 more years. God help us.

Black African-American history:

1517 – Spain begins black plantation slavery (slave trade).
1619 – Slaves arrive in Jamestown.
1787 – U.S. Constitution defines and establishes legal slavery.
1850 – The Fugitive Slave Act, allows returning slaves to their owner, even if found in non-slave states.
1857 – The Dred Scott Supreme Court decision which has the effect of legalizing slavery in all the states.
1860 – Abraham Lincoln elected President.
1861-1865 – The American Civil War.
1863 – The Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves in the Confederate states in rebellion.
1860’s – The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments effectively legal slavery.
1877 – Reconstruction officially ends in the South, allowing anti-negro laws to re-emerge in force. Jim Crow laws and the KKK arise as well.
1896 – The Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case allows segregated schools.
1925 – KKK members number well over 1,000,000 in the US. A parade of 50,000 members marched in Washington, D.C.
1947 – Jackie Robinson breaks the color barrier in Major League Baseball.
1948 – Armed Forces integrated.
1954 – Brown v. Board of Education declares school segregation illegal.
1963 – March on Washington for civil rights.
1964 – The Civil Rights Act is signed into law by President Johnson.
1965 – The Voting Rights Act is signed into law.
1967 – Thurgood Marshall becomes the first African-American Supreme Court Justice.
1968 – Martin Luther King assassinated.
2008 – Senator Barack Obama becomes the first African-American nominee for President by the Democratic party.

[Sources: AP via Digg, Tony the Misfit on Flickr]


Fully Functional (Again)

The website is again fully functional. We were having some issues during the night which many of you reported (and did not let me sleep). Since I love you all so much, I have been on the phone with my hosting company/Googleing for answers for the last couple of hours. Everything is 100% back to normal, but thank those that warned me of the issue. Thanks guys!

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