
Greetings. My name is Louise Mendes, I am a new writer here on collegebeing. Hope you like some sweet opinions from me. See you soon. Tada.

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Bid 4 My What? – New Auction Site to Take on the Big Guys

Brand new, out-of-the-shrink-wrap auction website Bid4MyJunk.com offers a unique experience to the average Joe trying to sell his stuff online. I love their idea of simplify-ing the often complicated fee system (I’m not going to mention any names…). They offer free postings (What’s better than free?) and a simple $1 commission if your product sells. From what I could muster at eBay’s (oops, I guess I did mention a name :|) fee listings page, just to list an item it will probably cost you $1. Then, you still have to pay almost 10% of your earnings!!! What!? That’s just ridiculous! From now on I am only going to post my items on Bid4MyJunk and forget all the others. Anyone who wants some of my old textbooks will find them there. :)

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Supreme Court: Americans Have the Right to Own Guns

In a 5-4 decision announced today, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Heller v. District of Columbia that Americans have the individual right to own guns. This is the most important ruling on the Second Amendment since at least 1939. In the words of the majority decision, “The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.” This settles the debate over whether the Second Amendment applies to all citizens of the United States, or whether it gives only those involved in a government-operated militia such as the National Guard the right to keep and bear arms. Thankfully, the judges have decided that the Constitution means what it says, and therefore have ruled that rights belong to the people, not to the government.



George Carlin, a legendary and awesome comedian best known for his “Seven Words You Can’t Say on Television,” as well as a number of albums, books, cable TV specials, and movie appearances, died today at the age of 71. He will be missed.

[Editor’s note: On March 2nd, 2015, we received the following notice from Google: “Google ads may not be placed on pages with adult or mature content. This includes, but is not limited to, pages that contain: erotic stories or descriptions of sexual acts, sexual jokes, erotic or sexual forums, sexual or profane terms in the URL, crude language or excessive amounts of profanity.” We have removed all ‘profane’ terms from the page. Apparently you cannot say those words on the Internet either…]


Happy Birthday!

Today is our birthday. We are celebrating one year of happily reporting a bunch of junk and hopefully at least some entertainment and helpful lessons. We hope you continue to visit out site for years to come.

This will be the 242nd published article on the site. Boy what a bunch of work. Here are some of our earliest posts to bring back some memories:

USB-powered: Pictures of some of the most useful and useless USB-powered appliances. This was our first post ever. We have come a long way.

The Loo Read: For those who cannot take a one minute break from work, not even to shit.

And some of our most popular posts over the last year:

No Sex Tonight: It is unfair how women have a power over men. I call it the sex power. Find out what power we have over them.

Hottest Student Bodies: I figure this is actually only a popular post because of the strongly searched keyword “hottest student bodies.” I alone search that keyword on Google about 20 times each day.

Death Prank and Lower Back Tattoo Remover: Need no explanation. Just watch them. They’re funny.

Teacher Teaches Kid a Lesson: Coincidentally, also what I call one of my reoccurring dreams… That has nothing to do with the article at all, sorry.

To sum it all up: We love you!

Let us know anything you would like us to change in the comments below.

-The College Being Team

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