Five Mobile Apps That Will Get You Through College

College freshman year can be an overwhelming time; new people, new location and plenty of advanced coursework, projects, deadlines and social obligations. But thanks to mobile technology, everything from studying to timekeeping and even budgeting has become easier and more efficient.

Not sure where to get started? Here are the top five mobile apps that will pull students through college with flying colors:

1. Mental case


[Available on iOS for $4.99]

Flash cards are still a very efficient way to learn, but these days they’re a bit more high tech than the stack of black and white cue cards they once were. Of course, the principle is the same; the virtual flashcards are designed to help students create mental notes and commit important information to memory.

However, with the Mental Case app, the usual text flash cards can be enhanced with images and audio, and can be shown as a slideshow with adjustable timing. Notes taken in class can later be turned into flashcards, and these can then be shared with others via mobile phone, tablet or laptop.

2. Evernote


[Available for free on Android and iOS]

Similar to Mental Case, the Evernote app allows students to take notes in a number of different ways, including voice function. Photos, locations and additional tags can be added to the notes, which can also be shared with friends and fellow students.

The Evernote trunk includes a number of useful classroom tools, and articles, web pages and URLs can be saved and stored in categorized folders, while notes can easily be turned into review sheets.

Because the app is cloud-based students can store as much as they need to without worrying about running out of space or the need to transfer data to another device.

3. Dropbox

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Tips for Surviving the First Year of Medical School

Being accepted into medical school is a great accomplishment, and you’ll be happy to start on your path toward your dream. However, medical school is different than your undergraduate years in many ways. What do you need to survive and thrive during that first year of medical school?

Limit Other Obligations

Having an array of jobs, activities and other obligations might have worked when you were still a senior in college. However, you need to cut back on as many of these other obligations as possible. Medical school is going to take up a lot of your time, and you are going to need to maintain high grades. Having other distractions really threatens your chances of being successful. If you must have a job, try to find a school sponsored one related to your field of study.

Having Support

This American Medical Association’s article emphasizes the importance of having a support system. Click to continue reading…


Somebody That I Used To Know – Goat Version

Here at College Being we like goats:


The Day the Earth Stopped Masturbating Trailer [Friday Funnies]

Would you stop masturbating?

For those that haven’t seen it, they the basic concept from Death Note.

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Boundless – Open Source Free Textbooks?

A new website has popped up offering an alternative to buying ridiculously expensive college textbooks, completely free. Boundless takes content from all over the Internet (i.e., mostly Wikipedia) and organizes it into chapters based on your textbook’s subject. You just let them know what textbook you need for class and they will create an alternative free version with the same subjects. It won’t be perfect and it won’t have exactly the same information, but it is free and easy to use.

Also included for free are even shorter cliff notes on each chapter, flash cards, ability for you to take notes, quizzes to test your knowledge, and custom study guides.

After two semesters, I quickly learned that textbooks were over-rated and stopped buying them all together, opting instead to go to class and take notes. Having a supplement like Boundless would have helped a lot. It is worth checking out and I hope to see more services like this in the future.

I’m only left with one question: How are they going to make money off of this? Until then, it seems like an awesome service, so go check them out!

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