A lot of college students tend to drink really crappy booze. Therefore, I have decided to start doing booze reviews so that you can hopefully drink better alcohol, or at least get your money’s worth. In Utah, that last bit is more difficult than you might think–state run liquor stores control the pricing of all beverages with an alcohol content of higher than 4.0% ABV (3.2% ABW), and often charge an exorbitant amount of money for decent beer. Anyway, first on the list today is the king of cheap beers: Pabst Blue Ribbon Click to continue reading…
A 2014 study on the Southwestern University students found that students who completed one internship program while studying at college had 13% more chances of finding a full-time employment later. The odds improved with the number of internships students completed. The study also revealed that students who completed at least one internship program were happier with their career outcomes by about 7%.
Other studies also indicate that internships are rapidly gaining priority in the employers’ checklist for choosing college students as their potential employees.
Kelley School of Business reports that 94% of its Class 2017 students were actively engaged in seeking an internship as they see it as an opportunity to explore different industries and careers, gain real-world experience, and be more attractive to potential employers after completing their graduation. The site goes on to say that in the age of fierce competition, employers use internships as recruiting tools and offer full-time positions to interns they deem successful.
Looksharp’s 2016 State of Millennial Hiring Report offered an interesting insight. As many as 81.1% graduates reported that internships played a significant role in helping them find their true passions and change their majors or even career directions.
Hello, everyone! Although I originally considered that my first post, I’d like to post something unique… And extravagant, I was struck by the pangs of laziness, and thusly found myself looking at the most mundane of items on the internet, and placed here. This is my distraction from studying the practice MCAT book laying upon my desk, please, enjoy the fruits of my procrastination.
Rather interesting to think what society perceives as beauty, what lengths women go to achieve such appearances, and how deceiving it is. Although, I’m certainly not complaining.
This post actually has nothing to do with anything related to college at all, but I thought it was funny so I decided to put it here for you to enjoy it too. Hey, maybe instead of aspiring to become a doctor, lawyer, or the next Jane Goodall you can try to get on this Japanese TV show.
As any college student knows, public transportation is far cheaper than owning a vehicle. And yet, many cities do not provide adequate or trustworthy forms of mass transit.
Buses are late and they don’t run all the time (which can be rough on students who work nights), subways are often hotbeds of criminal activity, and cabs are just too expensive. But students need to get around just like everyone else, and they’re often on a budget. While riding a bike or walking may be an option (depending on the city), something faster and wider ranging might be required for the collegian on a tight schedule.
So if you’re looking for a college campus that resides in a city with excellent public transportation, here are a few that will fit the bill and get you where you need to go:
This campus in Chicago is lucky for several reasons, the first of which is that the El Train has not one, but two stops within the boundaries of the school (one at each end of campus). Further, student passes are subsidized by the school (to cut costs to students) and trains run 24/7. If the El can’t get you where you want to go, you can take one of the many adjacent buses, which are said to be reliable and can be utilized with a transit pass. Click to continue reading…