Every college student knows that working while receiving an education is not a simple task. Time management is of the essence, and money can become scarce. So why even think about something so far out of reach such as studying abroad? Because it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and it may not be as far out of reach as you believe. Disregarding the idea of a study abroad right off the bat due to financial issues can be a mistake. Yes, studying abroad can turn out to be a costly experience, but there are ways to turn this dream into reality.
Contact Financial Aid. Whether or not you receive financial aid, see in what ways they may be able to help you. Speak with an advisor and inquire if and how financial aid can be utilized towards your study abroad. Title IV of the Higher Education Act may also provide you with a little further information about the requirements needed in order for the study abroad to be covered by Financial Aid.
Free Money is Always Great! Research about scholarships and grants available specifically for study abroad. School’s sometimes will offer such a scholarship depending on the study abroad program. Again, find out with an advisor if this is possible. Ask about the requirements, deadlines, and how to apply. There are also scholarships and grants outside of your school that are also for overseas education. The greatest aspect of scholarships and grants is that you don’t need to pay it back! There are no interests, no fees, no worries. You simply need to search for the one that is right for you. Here are a couple of links to get you started.
Loans? Loans may be a risky deal. However, it does not need to be. As long as you are organized and well informed about their policies, then a loan might just be the way to get you across that sea and into another country for a memorable educational experience. Begin doing some research on what loans are out there. You may want to take a look at the corporation: Sallie Mae for starters. Sallie Mae provides student loans and can be yet another option to help you out with that study abroad.
Work, Work and… Work. If you find that financial aid, and scholarships will not grant your study abroad, or if you feel hesitant to take a loan, push yourself to the maximum! It is possible that you’re already working and feel as though earning that extra cash can be close to impossible. But it is not. Perhaps it may take a little longer than you thought, possibly a year. Maybe two. But if you truly push yourself and cut down on unnecessary expenditures, you can make this happen!
Keep in mind, that aside from plane tickets and tuition, you will also need a bit extra for meals and spending. Before you do any of the above, calculate how much money you will truly need. Create an estimate, a budget. Include room and boarding, transportation, and anything else you can think of that may require spending. It is always important that you have more and not less as you will be overseas. Start researching now! Push yourself so that you can benefit from that once in a lifetime educational experience.
Carolina writes for Advantage Testing, a one-on-one tutoring and test preparation organization. Feedback can be directed to polocarolinao@gmail.com.