How to Declare War on Your Deadlines: Last-Minute Advice
Whoops, your deadline is just a few days away and you have done nothing on your essay. Other students have spent weeks reading the right books for the essay, and you have zoned it out until the last minute. You are now in an emergency situation so you are going to have to take a military stance on the situation your find yourself in. Here are a few military-esque maneuvers you should follow in order to ensure that you do not fail your assignment/project.
Declare war on the situation
This means that you need to spend all of your time working on your essay, and refusing anything else. Sleeping and eating are your only luxuries you will enjoy from now until your deadline.
You really need to take a hard line with yourself and understand that your lax standards and work ethic are the reasons why you are in this mess. With that in mind, you then need to resolve to take the strictest actions possible to ensure you are not going to fail.
Collect together your enemies and hit them one at a time
Deadlines are your enemies, so you need to gather them together in a timeline so you can see what needs to be done first. You need to prioritize your work, by figuring out what needs to be done first and which needs to be done last. You also need to figure out which ones are going to land you in the most trouble Click to continue reading…