Nerds: Making Things More Complicating Since 1974

1974: The first PC invented. We all thought our lives were good with normal non-HD non-satellite TV, tape and record players, and regular house phones (half of which didn’t even have a buttons). Now here comes the PC. I am attached to my computer because of work and I am thankful as my computer gives me work, but before the PC, life was simpler. (P.S. This is just a guess as I am not that old. This is a college website you old fogies!)

2008: Nerds make ordering pizza three to the third power times more complicating. It’s called Pizza Party. You can now order Domino’s Pizza through your computer using terminal. Woo hoo! I was waiting for this day since my first days of playing with DOS. Why waste that whole minute on the phone? Spend it on your computer since you love your computer and cannot bare being away from it. You nerd!

[Download Pizza Party here] [via]


Oh Shit, A Cat’s Stuck in a Tree!

This is perhaps the most ridiculous news story I have ever seen. It’s from KCRA 3 in Sacramento and only four seconds long. Just watch it and tell me if you think there was not a whole lot happening in Sacramento that day. I can’t wait until 11!

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Internet Addicts: Save Yourselves With These Firefox Extensions

Hello my name is Chris and I am addicted to the Internet.

“Hi Chris.”

Well if you are like me, you can install any one of these great Firefox extensions to help save yourself.

Before we begin however, make sure you have Firefox and not that other Internet browser from Microsoft. If you don’t, get it here. You can install Firefox 2 or the new version 3 (though not officially released yet). These extensions work with either version.

Option 1: LeechBlock by James Anderson
“LeechBlock is a simple productivity tool designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. All you need to do is specify which sites to block and when to block them.
Download LeechBlock here.

Option 2: TimeTracker by Juan Casares
TimeTracker keeps track of how much time you spend on Firefox. It will only count time that you are browsing the Internet so if you just have your browser open, you do not need to worry. Also, you can edit a safe list of sites that you use for work so that TimeTracker does not count them.
Download TimeTracker here.

Option 3: pageaddict by unknown (seriously, I don’t know)
pageaddict creates graphs of your browsing habits for those of you that are more visually inclined. You can see how much time you spent on each website for each day.
Download pageaddict here.

This is what II personally use pageaddict, but any of the above solution will work wonders for you. Now get back to work you slacker!

Feel free to give us your opinions of other ways we can save ourselves from Internet addiction in the comments below.


17 More Jobs to Waste Your College Degree On

If the first 10 highest paying jobs you don’t need your college degree for did not interest you, here is a list of the next 17:

27. General and operations manager
Average salary: $48,000 per year

26. Database, network and computer systems administrator
Average salary: $48,000 per year

25. Network systems and data communications analyst
Average salary: $49,000 per year

24. Talent director
Average salary: $52,840 per year

23. Commercial pilot
Average salary: $53,870 per year

22. Police identification and records officer
Average salary: $53,990 per year

21. Police detective
Average salary: $53,990 per year

20. Immigration and Customs inspector
Average salary: $53,990 per year

19. Criminal investigators and special agent
Average salary: $53,990 per year

18. Child support, missing persons and unemployment insurance fraud investigator
Average salary: $53,900 per year

17. Computer programmer
Average salary: $55,000 per year

16. Computer/information systems manager
Average salary: $56,400 per year

15. Nuclear medicine technologist
Average salary: $56,450 per year

14. Radiation therapist
Average salary: $57,700 per year

13. Dental hygienist
Average salary: $58,350 per year

12. Sales representative
Average salary: $58,580 per year

11. Elevator installers and repairer
Average salary: $58,710 per year

10 –> 1: Click here

[Sources: CNN and The Employment Policy Foundation]


The Best Jobs to Waste Your College Degree On

The following jobs are the highest paying jobs you can get without having a college degree:

10. Real estate broker
Average salary: $58,720 per year

9. Computer software engineer
Average salary: $58,900 per year

8. Municipal fire fighting and prevention supervisor
Average salary: $58,902 per year

7. Forest fire fighting and prevention supervisor
Average salary: $58,920 per year

6. Non-retail sales manager
Average salary: $59,300 per year

5. Police and detectives supervisor
Average salary: $64,430 per year

4. Transportation manager
Average salary: $66,600 per year

3. Storage and distribution manager
Average salary: $66,600 per year

2. Air traffic controller
Average salary: $102,030 per year

1. Chief executive
Average salary: $116,000 per year

Being a CEO is the highest paying job one can get, in general. Though it is also the job with the highest variety in salary. GE might not hire you to be their CEO if you do not have a college degree, but you can still raise your way through the ranks or start your own company like everybody’s favorite billionaire, Bill Gates. If you can’t make it, you can always be an air traffic controller.

Check back tomorrow for 17 more jobs.

[Sources: CNN and The Employment Policy Foundation]

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