Complete Short Movie: Spider

The following 8-minute video is the complete short movie “Spider.” It was directed by Nash Edgerton and produced by Aussie film company Blue-Tongue Films.

The film has been shown at the Sydney Film Festival, Melbourne, Telluride, Cork, AFI Fest in L.A., and others.


[Source: Blue-Tongue Films]


The Gold Standard

I was talking to my friend the other day about how much I love the gold standard and how I wish we still had a similar precious-material-based monetary system in the U.S.

She looked at me and said, “I thought we were on the gold standard.”

Well, we are not. The following short video explains the basics of the gold standard and compares it to the modern system ruled by the federal reserve.

Let us know: Are you pro or con the gold standard? Explain why.


The First Honest College Ad

Good universities generally do not make television ads.

“But what about all the college ads I see on TV?”

Well the following would be a more accurate representation of those schools:

P.S. If you go to a school that actually has commercials, I mean no offense, but you have got to see at least some truth in this…

[Source: CollegeHumor]


LOLCatz Stike Back

LOLCatz are not as dumb as they seem.



Do you know who I am?

The following video has been around for a long time, but I thought I’d share it anyway. It tells a lot about large universities and the level of individuality professors see among students.

I go to one of the largest universities in the U.S. and am sure that only a minority of my professors know who I am. Noteworthy, however, is that I always seem to get better grades in the classes which professors know my name.

Moral of the story: Unless you are going to try to attempt what was done in the video, make friends with your professors because you will get a higher grade.