Hello eBay Nigerians reading this post. The following are some guidelines on how to properly scam someone on eBay.
Nigerians are pretty much the only reason why I use Amazon instead of eBay, but if you must scam someone on eBay, then at least do it properly and follow these guidelines:
Make sure you do not use your real name! Seriously, what kind of an idiot are you if you are using your real name to try to scam people.
Do not be stupid.
Yeah, that’s about all you need to properly scam people. You do not even need to know to write in English!
Now, if you are trying to avoid being scammed on eBay, follow these rules:
- Never, I said Never do business on eBay using Western Union, even eBay will tell you this is not secure. If you don’t take my word for it go to western unions website, they even have a page dedicated to showing how scammers use there service.
- Read Feedback. Yep, everybody looks at the pretty little number next to a seller or buyers name but if you want to see what is really going on you need to actually click on that number and read the good and the bad feedback. If you see something that seems wrong or out of place beware. Click to continue reading…