The Best Jobs to Waste Your College Degree On
The following jobs are the highest paying jobs you can get without having a college degree:
10. Real estate broker
Average salary: $58,720 per year
9. Computer software engineer
Average salary: $58,900 per year
8. Municipal fire fighting and prevention supervisor
Average salary: $58,902 per year
7. Forest fire fighting and prevention supervisor
Average salary: $58,920 per year
6. Non-retail sales manager
Average salary: $59,300 per year
5. Police and detectives supervisor
Average salary: $64,430 per year
4. Transportation manager
Average salary: $66,600 per year
3. Storage and distribution manager
Average salary: $66,600 per year
2. Air traffic controller
Average salary: $102,030 per year
1. Chief executive
Average salary: $116,000 per year
Being a CEO is the highest paying job one can get, in general. Though it is also the job with the highest variety in salary. GE might not hire you to be their CEO if you do not have a college degree, but you can still raise your way through the ranks or start your own company like everybody’s favorite billionaire, Bill Gates. If you can’t make it, you can always be an air traffic controller.
Check back tomorrow for 17 more jobs.
[Sources: CNN and The Employment Policy Foundation]