Booze Reviews: Newcastle DraughtKeg

[Editor’s note: College Being was sent a review sample of Newcastle DraughtKeg. This will not influence our opinions.]

Newcastle now joins Heineken with their own mini keg offering. The Newcastle DraughtKeg is a mini 5-litre keg. It comes with enough beer for 14 regular 12 oz servings and costs about $15 to $20 depending on where you live. The mini keg comes pre-pressurized so you do not need to pump and it can easily fit into a Beertender.

The DraughtKeg

The DraughtKeg is great. You get great-tasting fresh beer just as you would in a bar in Scotland. The keg stays fresh for up to a month, so even if you do not have a bunch of people over or if you are just an occasional beer drinker, it is perfect for you. We experienced no difference in taste and keg pressure from the opening date until we finished it.

There is no need to pay CRV costs for 12+ bottles when you buy a mini keg. That can add up to quite a bit if you’re in a state that charges CRV. Also the mini keg saves a lot of space in your fridge and weights a lot less than carrying 14 glass bottles.

Our biggest complaint with the system is that the DraughtKeg does not appear to be easily recyclable whereas glass bottles or aluminium cans can easily be recycled just about anywhere.

The Beer

Newcastle is a good brown ale with a full-body taste with hints of caramel and fruit. The foam is silky and the aftertaste is sweet. If you like Newcastle, be sure to try the DraughtKeg version. In our opinion it is fresher, tastier, and gives you more control of how much foam you want.

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13 Absolutely Crucial Habits of Successful Students


Being a successful student is a must with the raising costs of education. You have to go in there with a plan. Aimlessly going through each day will just bring you frustration and not success. You have already mastered how to write best SOP and now it’s time to master your studies.

We list habits of successful students. Follow these and you will become successful too.

  1. Time management This is very crucial and you should master this if you want to achieve success. It is probably the most effective and important habit.

  2. Study smart and not hard Successful students have mastered this. If you find a technique that works for you, it will be easy to cover your content. Be if flashcards or a brain map. Find what works best for you.

  3. Statement of purpose Your statement of purpose is your foot in the door. This is where the admission team will decide if you are successful or not. If you are not a good writer, perhaps hire a statement of purpose writing service. These SOP writing services can relieve some stress.

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3 Jobs You Can Start While Still in College

College means different things to different people. For some it’s a time to let their hair down before they settle down to becoming serious professionals, for others it’s a launching pad that helps them achieve their professional and personal dreams and goals, and for yet others it is a sea of opportunities that they must tap before someone else does. It is this last group of students who think about becoming entrepreneurs even before they graduate. They don’t launch their companies with fanfare and pomp; rather, they start out quietly on their computers, they are their only employee, and the money made is nothing to write home about. However, the very fact that they’re doing something worthwhile speaks volumes about the kind of adults they will grow up to become.

If you want to join this bandwagon, here are a few jobs that allow you to stay on campus, focus on your lessons and also earn some money on the side:

Freelancing on the Internet: If you’ve got a skill that can be sold over the Internet, take advantage of it by all means. Those who have a flair for writing can take on freelance writing assignments, those who are good programmers can develop code for those who need it, and those who have a creative eye can enter the world of web design. All these positions are in high demand today, and you could earn quite a bit if you know how to balance your work and study, and also sacrifice a little bit of your social life. Click to continue reading…

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Be Aware of Degree Mills and other Online Education Scams

The following post is a guest post by Sheena Freestone. The opinions expressed are of the author.

Everyone knows one of the keys to high achievement in life is the completion of a college degree. Whether you obtain your associates, bachelors, masters, or go all the way to PhD, the education and experience you receive at college forms the foundation for the rest of your working career. College isn’t easy, however – expensive tuition, long nights spent studying in the library, difficult tests to pass, group projects, papers, some people just can’t find up the money or dedication to get it done.

The demand for a degree combined with the vast number of people who don’t have one has spawned an online scam that has been going on for years: the degree mill. A degree mill is a fraudulent organization that enables you to buy a counterfeit degree from a bogus college to use on resumes. These degrees, (despite what the forger might promise you) are worth less than the paper they’re printed on. Today we investigate some of the biggest suppliers of fake degrees and expose them for the sham they really are.


Image by ESMTG

This now defunct diploma has been cited as one of the most egregious purveyors of phony college degrees ever. The website name should have been a dead give away that something was up, as any well-intentioned educational institution would never be so bold as to name themselves something so campy. The website provided no testing and no coursework, just a simple order form that allowed anyone to come on, select a specialty, and purchase a degree in their name.

Degrees-R-Us succeeded in “graduating” quite a few counterfeit degree holders, including one fake medical doctor who USA Today reports resulted in the death of an 8-year old diabetic girl. “When the mother followed his advice and took her daughter off insulin, the 8-year-old girl began vomiting and died,” the article tells. “… Laurence Perry, is serving up to 15 months in jail for manslaughter and practicing medicine without a license.”

Cambridge State University

Image by Brandi Sims

Capitalizing on brand recognition, Cambridge State University (located in Mississippi) goes by a name deceptively similar to the ivy league Cambridge University located in the United Kingdom. Degree purchasers do so in the hopes that unsuspecting hiring managers will gloss over the name and assume it must have come from the prestigious university, not the degree mill. Unlike some click-and-buy degree mills, Cambridge State actually does provide some semblance of course work, but it is more of a formality than an actual education. As an example, PhDs were offered for only 11 months of work, a clear example of “too good to be true.”

World Education News & Review reports that in 2006, Mississippi legislature passed a bill that “will allow the Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation to force colleges to halt the distribution of unapproved post-secondary academic degrees.” As a result, Cambridge State University is no longer located in Mississippi, Click to continue reading…


Why Getting an M.B.A. Online Makes Sense for Entrepreneurs

The following post is a guest post by Chase Jenkins. Chase is a freelance writer for helps people determine if an online education is right for them and helps them understand which online schools they can choose from to reach their goals.

These days, you don’t necessarily need an M.B.A. to create (or improve upon) a successful business enterprise, but it certainly couldn’t hurt. If you don’t want to take away precious time from growing your business, however, an online education is definitely your best bet. Need convincing? Here are a few reasons studying online makes sense for entrepreneurs:

Apply Skills Immediately

If you’re an entrepreneur new to the game, then you’ll need all the help you can get. An online education provides you with an impressive set of credentials that can benefit your business greatly when appealing to investors for monetary support. Banks, venture capitalists, and even grant foundations can look to your training as a symbol of your commitment to your enterprise. And a successfully completed online education shows special commitment and initiative, since it’s an extremely independent activity and there’s limited accountability. Importantly, being that your courses are mobile, you can apply and reinforce your newly minted skills as soon as you finish learning them. (For example: Finished a section in your human relations course during your lunch break? Apply those lessons to that ongoing scuffle between competing employees in the office. Aced that exam on financial planning? Impress your partners with your new lingo in that upcoming conference call. Etc.)

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