7 Ways College Students Waste Money
It seems that kids in college have a knack for wasting Mom and Dad’s money (or blowing every cent of a student loan meant to last all semester in the first week of classes). And it’s no wonder, considering that many kids in college are away from home and responsible for themselves (and their finances) for the first time in their lives, often with no preparation for such a cataclysmic event.
So is it your fault you’re driven to spend wastefully? Probably not. On the other hand, if you’re made aware of the potential areas that you might overspend, you have every opportunity to put a stop to the waste and stay on track financially. Here are a few areas to keep an eye on.
1. Parties. Okay, so with no parental supervision, it can be tempting to ditch out on homework and attend some of the many mixers happening all over campus. But that doesn’t mean you have to provide chips and dip for everyone. Keep the parties to a minimum and bring a token offering rather than take-out for the whole crew.
2. Eating out. You have a cafeteria and a meal plan for a reason: to keep you from spending all your money on the outrageous expense of eating out. So keep your wallet and your waistline intact by eating meals on campus, getting snacks at the grocery store (more cost-efficient than the vending machine), or even eating at home if your parents are nearby. Click to continue reading…