no, i don’t hate america. thanks for asking.

So this evening, I was browsing through the website for the University of Utah’s student paper and I read this utter piece of shit. It’s your standard rant about how because Democrats don’t universally support General Petraeus’s recommendations, they want our troops to die and our country to burn. My rant is after the jump.

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6 bad party fouls

So, this past weekend, I hosted a 99 party. A 99 party is my personal invention where only 99 drinks are served (although I also had some beers for the more wimpy of my friends). 99 drinks consist of 99 Bannanas, 99 Berries, 99 Cherries, 99 Apples, 99 Oranges, and 99 Peaches (which I was only ever able to find in Miami, but it is well worth it if you can find it). All these drinks are schnappses (?) that are 99-proof (44.5% alcohol, e.g. more than vodka).

Anyhow, many as you say “party fouls” were committed throughout the night and I wanted to share with you college students what not to do at a party. Here is some of what happened:

  1. People talked about school. It seems like almost everybody at this party talked about school even though I told them all it was the only thing I did not want them to do. It might be a good ice-breaker to ask someone about their major, but is that seriously all you can come up with? Isn’t the whole point of the party to forget about classes for just this night?
  2. spillPeople spilled drinks. This one seems almost inevitable. No matter where a party is, who comes to the party, what people drink, people will always find a way to get their favorite drink onto your favorite laptop.

  3. People running around and making way too much noise. I am glad my neighbors were out latter than my party lasted and that no police or RAs came by our place as if there would have, they would have discovered a crazy girl who decided to run around the hallway and do exercise because she hadn’t had the opportunity to do so during the day.
  4. snoozePeople sleeping on the floor. The same girl from number 3 also decided, in her drunkenness, to sleep on the floor in the middle of the party. Go home, if you’re that tired.
  5. People sleeping in our beds. Okay, unless you are actually sleeping with us, do not sleep in our beds. The same girl from number 4 actually slept in one of my roommates’ beds and forced him to sleep in the couch. Actually, nobody should sleep over here at all without one of the hosts specifically asking you to (either because you are too drunk or too hot).
  6. People throwing up. Please, please, don’t drink so much that you throw up in my other roommate’s trash can. Care to guess who was responsible for this one? I’ll give you a hint: I mentioned her in at least one other spot in this article.

Well that’s about all the bad party fouls that were committed. Take a lesson and don’t do these things at a party because nobody likes them and then consequently, nobody will like you.

[images by Ryan Gageler (top) and Chris Chidsey (bottom)]


the best way to get things done

After writing 8 useful articles college students should read, I have actually started to use some of the ideas on those sites. With slight modification, I have come up with the best way to get a procrastinator like me to get things done.

Here is what I do: I make a to-do list with everything I need to do in the near future. Alright, big deal, a lot of people do that. Well, my difference is the extra list I make every day when I wake up. Within half an hour of getting out of bed, I write down three things that I need to and am going to do that day. I stick to it and do those things. It is almost like a promise to yourself.

This has helped me to finally open my business checking account, set up my work out schedule, photoshop some pictures to put up in my room as posters, go talk to my teachers at office hours, take out the recycling, and a lot more. Let me know if it works for you.

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prank compilation

Take ten minutes out of your day to watch these fun little pranks. I am not sure what show they are from, but they will make you feel better and give you a boost to continue through those classes, study sessions, and group meetings.

[youtube zYWmp4qENTc nolink]

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8 useful articles college students should read

40 Mistakes Men Make While Having Sex With Women for the men

sexA very useful article about some of the most trivial things that us men often overlook and women certainly do not. Some of the best advice here includes don’t squash her if you’re on top, don’t thank her, don’t slap stomaches, don’t forget to warn her before climaxing, don’t be caught naked with your socks on (it looks stupid and you know it), squeezing her breasts, and don’t attack the clitoris.

10 Ways Your Resume Irks Hiring Managers for future employees

interviewMany people face obtaining their first serious job during college. Here is some of the best advice I have seen on writing your resume. Tips include correct your spelling, don’t list personal attributes such as height and sex, keep the bragging to a minimum (you don’t want to seem like your conceded), make sure you do not have large amounts of unaccounted time between jobs, and do not lie.

10 Surprising Uses For Aspirin for any college student with a bit of aspirin

aspirinEverybody has some aspirin laying around, but I bet you didn’t know it could do so much more than cure a headache. According to the article aspirin can remove stains, reduce size and redness of pimples, make flowers last longer, reduce dandruff, help with insect bites, and prevent fungus. Note, however, that you do not eat aspirin for these things, but instead crush it and apply it to the spot.

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