iolo System Mechanic 11.0 [Review]

iolo System Mechanic is PC program which automatically fixes errors, optimizes performance, and helps keep your computer up-to-date.

It is targeted at both advanced and normal computer users, although we felt some of the features a little too “beginner-friendly”.


iolo uses a subscription service which costs $50 for the program and first year of service and $30 for each following year. Sometimes, they offer discounts on their website. They also offer multi-year plans and plans for all computers in your house to save you some money.

The subscription service is only required to keep “Tune-up” definitions up-to-date and the program will still function without it. Depending on your budget, you could even purchase the subscription every-other-year and still keep your computer is decent shape.

The subscription service also gives you product updates including major version updates like the recent move from System Mechanic 10 to System Mechanic 11.

What We Think

iolo was generous enough to provide us with a review copy of System Mechanic for us to play around with. We spent six hours doing almost every optimization, test, and waiting. Lots and lots of waiting…

We also did our own tests too to see how performance would improve. More information on our tests below. Click to continue reading…

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Belkin Travel Router [Review]

This review is based on a review copy of the Belkin Wireless Dual-Band Travel Router.

Before we get to the Belkin Wireless Dual-Band Travel Router, let’s talk about why would you want a travel router? When travelling with friends, you will often run into situations where there is only one Ethernet outlet in your hotel room. You will need a router to be able to have more than one person use the Internet at once. Also, if you are into playing games with your friends or any other type of intra-network (LAN) activity, you will need a router. Even if you just invite friends to your dorm room, you can quickly bust out your Belkin Wireless Travel Router to allow everyone to use the Internet at once.

The Belkin Wireless Dual-Band Travel Router is basically a tiny wireless router, perfect for travelling due to its size. It is the smallest router we have ever seen.

The included Ethernet cord and power cable are all you need to bring along with the router when you travel. A travel case comes with the unit which is nice if you want to keep everything organized in a nice little package (also it can help you not lose anything). In my opinion, you can leave the case to save some space in your suitcase.

There are no passwords to remember or configuration to set-up. The password and network SSID are written on the back of the unit.

The dual-band capabilities means that the router can work at speeds up to 150Mbps (with wireless n) on all modern wireless standards (n, g, a, or b). If your computer has a wireless card or wireless capabilities, this router will work with it.

Final Thoughts

We were really surprised at how small this router is. Even the power cord and Ethernet cable are made to take up as little space as possible. The router is clearly created for travelling purposes and for “taking your wireless network with you when you travel”. It is perfect for that purpose or for college students who need to pack up all their belongings at the end of every school year.

The MSRP of $80 is on the higher side but coming from Belkin, one of the top network equipment companies, a higher price is expected. You can also easily pick up the product for about $65 on

Our final opinion: If you can find it for a good price, it is highly recommended as your only router for home, dorm, or hotel room.


Where is Joe?

Finding Joe is a documentary about Joseph Campbell, the mythologist known throughout Hollywood for his theories concerning heroes. Through a series of interviews and interpretive scenes, Finding Joe takes you through the Hero’s Journey which can be applied to every day life.

In the Hero’s Journey you are the hero and you encounter challenges, fears, dragons (fears), battles, and return home changed. I am sure many college students can relate.

There are many scenes with children reproducing, on screen, what the narrator is taking about. Though the scenes are very beautifully shot, they come off as just a little cheesy.

Lots of the movies mentioned in Finding Joe as references to The Hero’s Journey like Star Wars, The Matrix, etc., were created after Joseph Campbell’s works and may have been strongly influenced by his writings. But Finding Joe is more about finding the hero in yourself with less of a focus on Joseph Campbell’s other works.

Nonetheless, the documentary is a great introduction to Campbell’s work and you could consider watching it in place of doing your English homework (not that we would condone such things…).

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PERT Plus Contest

PERT Plus Review (Contest Below)

I don’t like to waste my time doing useless things like washing my hair. So when someone comes up to me and says, “Hey Ace, try out this PERT Plus 2-in-1 Shampoo-Conditioner (and do a review on it),” I was all like “Heck yeah! I’d love to work while I shower and shampoo while I condition.” That’s like 4-in-1… or something…

Seriously now, I really do not like to waste time (and water) showering. Unfortunately, I have Justin Beiber hair to please my girlfriend so I need to condition it. I have tried those CVS-brand 2-in-1 conditioners before but, to be honest, they are pretty crappy. I was a little hesitant to try PERT for this reason.

So I don’t know anything about shampoo and conditioners so here is my very basic synopsis of my experience:

I look at the bottle. “Not tested on animals.” I approve. I open the bottle and poof a little air out so I can smell it. It has a good smell to it. Nothing fruity or weird. Just a normal shampoo smell like it should have. I pour some into my hand. Oww, it’s so green and milky…

Okay, actually, I’ll just stop there before this gets any weirder. PERT Plus met all my satisfactions and exceeded my expectations. It smells nice, cleans your hair, and keeps it moisturised. If you are one of those people who perm their hair or bleach-dye it, it will probably not be the product for you. But if you want something that actually does what it says, looks awesome (come on, it’s green!), and you just need to get up and ready in 5 minutes for that class you are running late to, then try this out.


[Editor’s note: This contest is now closed. We would like to thank all the participants and PERT Plus for helping us make this a posibility. The winner is saggel.]

To enter for your chance to win a few months* supply of PERT Plus (and a complimentary baseball and T-shirt), let us know how many times you wash your hair by posting in the comments below. The last day to enter is Sunday, October 23.

[*Winner will receive 2 bottles of PERT Plus, a baseball, and a T-shirt. Shipping will be free of charge. Anyone can enter.]


6 Easy Ways to Land Your First Job and Become a Superstar Employee

EDIT: September 20: The contest is now closed. We will be contacting the winners shortly. Thank you for your participation.

Contest: Win a hard copy of Al Coleman, Jr.’s book “Secrets to Success: The Definitive Career Development Guide for New and First Generation Professionals” by posting a comment on this post. Five randomly selected comments will win a copy of the book. The contest ends Tuesday, September 20, 2011.

With unemployment for young adults hovering around 26 percent, more than twice the national average for all workers, college students have to do all they can to set themselves apart in the job market. And given the extreme pressure on U.S. businesses [PDF download], it’s not enough just to land a good job, you have to employ the right skills to make sure you don’t join the ranks of the unemployed!

The following are 6 easy ways to ensure that you can find the right job and become a superstar employee with a paycheck and position to match.

  1. Choose a career that interests you. Many students struggle with picking a career that’s right for them; after all, it’s such a daunting task; it’s what you’ll do daily for the rest of your life! Don’t be frightened by the magnitude of the decision. Choose what you love and the money will follow – through increased performance from increased job satisfaction, which leads to greater promotional opportunities, and ultimately leads to increased income.

  2. Gain practical experience. Once you’ve identified a field that you love, try to gain as much practical experience as you can. Determine the skills and qualifications for the job you want, and then seek to gain relevant experience by volunteering, interning or gaining part-time or seasonal employment before graduation. The more experience you can gain, the better positioned you’ll be to land the job of your dreams. Don’t limit your search to external employers. You can gain valuable experience on campus as well. Find departments that employ professionals from your chosen field and try to obtain a student job where you can learn and observe the professionals in action.

  3. Network with professionals. Whether at work, through an internship, or through a volunteer or student organization, you will have various opportunities to meet and network with individuals in your chosen profession. Use the opportunity to demonstrate the skills you’ve learned. Think of each interaction as an informal interview to showcase your knowledge and talent. It may lead to a job after graduation; but even if it doesn’t, it gives you an opportunity to build solid relationships with people you can call on for leads and references in the future.

  4. Get your money’s worth from your CSO. Take advantage of the services offered by your career services office. Utilize their job banks to help you find employment in your chosen profession. Get assistance preparing your resume and cover letter for jobs you are interested in. Leverage any insights or personal connections to alumni they may have for companies where you are applying. Ask for interview tips or request a practice interview to help you prepare and make the best first impression you can. You’ve paid for this service as part of your tuition, so make the most of it. Employing the first four strategies outlined above should help you successfully land the job you want. Once employed, you’ll need to use the following skills to ensure that you have a long and successful career.

  5. You’re in the Pro’s, act like it. As a professional you’re expected to do great work on each project and deliver results that exceed expectations. Make sure that you have a clear understanding of each project and deliver results before they are due. If you find your new position challenging, find a mentor and learn the ropes from someone at your company who has successfully made it through the challenges you’re currently facing. As the saying goes, “you don’t have to be good, you just have to know who to copy!”

  6. Gain Exposure. Finally, ensure that all of your hard work is seen by key stakeholders within your organization; including supervisors, influential managers, mentors, and other professionals in your network. You can’t be promoted to the next level if no one knows what you are doing or what you have done.

Here’s to a successful job search!

Are there any other tips you thought of to successfully land your first job? If so, please share in the comments.

Al Coleman, Jr. is the author of “Secrets to Success: The Definitive Career Development Guide for New and First Generation Professionals,” required reading for any young professional seeking personal, professional and financial success. Get your copy on