Having a Car in College: Is it Worthwhile?

In one word: no Most college students see their first foray into the real world as a long-awaited bid for freedom. And this is exactly what the image of a car promotes: the freedom to go wherever you want whenever you want to. Unfortunately, most automobiles are more like a ball and chain than a […]

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China revokes visa for American athlete

The Chinese government has revoked the visa of American gold medalist Joey Cheek, in response to Cheek’s plans to travel to the Olympics to support Team Darfur, a group of Olympic competitors whose goal is to raise awareness about the genocide and violation of human rights taking place in the Sudanese region. The Chinese government […]

Think First!

New York Times Finally Up To Date on Textbook Piracy

Textbook piracy, though not even closely as prevent as music and movies, has been around since PDFs were invented. The New York Times has recently discovered that it exists: AFTER scanning his textbooks and making them available to anyone to download free, a contributor at the file-sharing site PirateBay.org composed a colorful message for “all […]

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Supreme Court: Americans Have the Right to Own Guns

In a 5-4 decision announced today, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Heller v. District of Columbia that Americans have the individual right to own guns. This is the most important ruling on the Second Amendment since at least 1939. In the words of the majority decision, “The Second Amendment protects an individual […]

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Barak Obama Wins Nomination: OMG He’s Black!

Obama is black and will be back during the fall for the real election according the the latest AP tally. This marks the closest a black person ever came to becoming president. Hopefully, Obama is going to break another record before the end of the year. Or else, we will be in Iraq for 1,000 […]

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