Best Sites to Find College Text Books

Paying for college can be a nightmare. Overinflated prices, dormitory rentals or apartments off campus, a drop in the amount of work for students… that is the reality of university that we are often confronted with when the time comes to apply. What a bleak image it is, too. While there are scholarships and grants […]

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Top 5 Reasons to Rent All of Your Textbooks

With back to school time upon us, here are some great reasons to reconsider purchasing those necessary textbooks and opting to rent them instead. 1. Renting textbooks is cheaper Renting your textbooks can save you up to 80% of the cost of the book. This means that if you rent just one textbook this semester, […]

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Wardrobe Tips for the Broke College Student

Looking fashionable in college can be difficult. With all your money going towards tuition, fees, books, housing, and occasionally, food, you probably have little left over for filling out your wardrobe with the latest styles of the season. And yet, you don’t have to tour campus looking like a pauper for the next four (or […]

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College Students and Credit Cards: How to Avoid the Debt Trap

Most college students don’t have a lot of cash for extras; the rising costs of tuition, books, and related fees often requires a strict budget, even for the student that carries a part- or full-time job in addition to their schedule of classes. For this reason, having a credit card can seem like a godsend, […]

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Creative Ways to Save Money While You’re in College

Trying to balance the cost of living with tuition, car payments, and basic living needs while you are going to school can be tricky. With all of the different expenses students are responsible for, it is often necessary to cut back on some items and get creative with your budget. Setting ground rules and goals […]

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