Lulu’s Lunacy: Abstinence Only

Hi everyone! Time for another dose of lunacy. Pretty soon you’ll be addicted. Long ago, I found this hilarious website, but I forgot about it until I saw a sketch on Daily Show today. This website makes abstinence look great, fun, and even possibly sexually appealing! Highlights from (seriously, it exists -Lulu) Home Page […]

6 Thoughts

Top 10 American Cities with the Cleanest Water

I am constantly thinking about what city to live in after I graduate college. One factor that I think is important, although often over-looked, is clean water. I look forward to the day when I can smash the Brita that I have to continually fill-up and buy new filters for. Here is Forbes’ list of […]

5 Thoughts

New Dove Commercial

Many of you have seen the awesome Dove Evolution commercial where an average-looking women is turned into a super hot model on a billboard with just makeup, lighting, and Photoshop. This is Dove’s newest commercial trying to convrey a similar message to the young girls. I encourage all the college girls who read college being […]

6 Thoughts

What can make up do for you?

Hello, everyone! Although I originally considered that my first post, I’d like to post something unique… And extravagant, I was struck by the pangs of laziness, and thusly found myself looking at the most mundane of items on the internet, and placed here. This is my distraction from studying the practice MCAT book laying upon […]

18 Thoughts

How to get people to ignore you

Not everyone is interested to stay and play in the limelight. Others (read: me) love to hide in the shadows, sulk and not engage in any undertaking. Unfortunately, several activities require our presence – assemblies, club meetings, seminars, and so on. For such scenarios, I have with me my trusty list of Ignore-me tactics. Use […]

2 Thoughts