Can You Be A Greek And Have Time To Be A Typical College Student, Too?

This guest post is by GreekForMe. The friendly team is made up of Greeks, so they know a thing a two about what juggling Greek life and college life is like. You can express your Greek pride with Greek merchandise by visiting Joining a fraternity or sorority and dedicating yourself to being an […]

Think First!

8 Motivational Movies That Every Student Must Watch

There is never too much motivation needed by students because there are times when things can get a little challenging. So much to get through in a short space of time is what is required. If you have a strong list of motivational and inspirational movies, books or speeches, you might just get through it […]

1 Thought

How to get people to ignore you

Not everyone is interested to stay and play in the limelight. Others (read: me) love to hide in the shadows, sulk and not engage in any undertaking. Unfortunately, several activities require our presence – assemblies, club meetings, seminars, and so on. For such scenarios, I have with me my trusty list of Ignore-me tactics. Use […]

2 Thoughts

4 Things to Consider when Picking your First Apartment

One of the most exciting things about college is finding that first apartment. The parents are gone and what better way to celebrate your independence than living with your closest friends? It becomes your home away from home, sanctuary, and your space to relax when college gets too crazy. However, it can easily become your […]

3 Thoughts

4 Ways To Use Technology To Help You Do Better In School!

With the arrival of smart phones and tablets, people have become more productive and efficient. Now people can use these tools to organize their chores, manage their resources and above all supervise their day-to-day tasks. These blessings of technology have particularly facilitated the busy students who can enjoy more time and freedom than before. Using […]

15 Thoughts