Creative Ways to Save Money in College

The stereotype of the starving college student didn’t come from nowhere. With beaucoup bucks going towards tuition and books you probably don’t have a lot left over for extras like, say, living expenses. This means you’re balancing a tight monthly budget that has very little wiggle room. And yet, you likely have plenty of ideas […]

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6 Ways to Avoid the Freshman 15 (Without Actually Working Out)

What’s the Deal..? Do people really gain 15 pounds during their freshman year at college? Or is the Freshman 15 actually more myth than it is fact? In a 2006 study done by the University of Oklahoma, 137 female freshmen were poked and prodded with the end result being they gained 2 pounds over the […]

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Wardrobe Tips for the Broke College Student

Looking fashionable in college can be difficult. With all your money going towards tuition, fees, books, housing, and occasionally, food, you probably have little left over for filling out your wardrobe with the latest styles of the season. And yet, you don’t have to tour campus looking like a pauper for the next four (or […]

3 Thoughts

How to Choose an Online MBA Program

Business school sure has its benefits. But how do you go about choosing the right program? Here is our helpful guide on choosing the right online MBA program: Is it Accredited Many online programs claim to be accredited or are “accredited” by a made-up organization. Be sure to do proper research on both the school […]

7 Thoughts

Top 7 Online Tools Students Should Use

Students now have it so much easier than those that were in school 12+ years ago. Technology has made it so much easier to do online research, stay organized, keep up with deadlines, collaborate with classmates and have online discussions; even 1st graders get to have iPads in the classroom. It’s only inevitable that soon […]

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