6 Alternative Ways to Pay for College When You Don’t Have Money

College is expensive. It is really expensive and paying for it may be a challenge for a lot of families. Sometimes loans for students can seem like the easiest solution, but it feels different when it comes time to pay off. Trust me you are going to get buried in that debt. Thus, if you […]

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How to Find the Perfect Internship Program – 12 Websites to Use!

Is it worth it to do an Internship? A 2014 study on the Southwestern University students found that students who completed one internship program while studying at college had 13% more chances of finding a full-time employment later. The odds improved with the number of internships students completed. The study also revealed that students who […]

Think First!

10 Dormitory Essentials Every College-Going Guy Needs

Your college years are the time to absorb fresh ideas and experiences, while making new friends and figuring out life as you manage all of this independently, possibly for the first time. Being away from the comforts of your home and staying in a dorm room can be a challenge if you’re unprepared. To make […]

Think First!

4 Tips for Writing a Quality Thesis

Turning out a major paper is, for most college students, a daunting task well before word one is written. It’s lurking out there at the end of the semester; eventually it’s going to be a title over a lot of white space on your computer screen. What follows here is some suggestions that a) may […]

25 Thoughts

4 Ways To Use Technology To Help You Do Better In School!

With the arrival of smart phones and tablets, people have become more productive and efficient. Now people can use these tools to organize their chores, manage their resources and above all supervise their day-to-day tasks. These blessings of technology have particularly facilitated the busy students who can enjoy more time and freedom than before. Using […]

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