7 Mixed Drink Recipes to Get Girls Drunk at Your Next Party

These mixed drinks are always very popular among the ladies at our house: Mind Eraser 2 ounces Vodka, 2 ounces Kahlua, 2 ounces Tonic water In a rocks glass pour vodka, the Kahlua and then the tonic water. Serve with a straw. Limona Corona 16 ounces Corona (one bottle), 1 ounces Bacardi Limon Open Corona. […]

35 Thoughts

Friday Funnies: Don Draper’s Guide to Picking Up Women

A funny bit from Saturday Night Live with some real world application: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/don-drapers-guide/

1 Thought

ESPN Host’s Super Bowl Ads Fails

Michelle Beadle, co-host of SportsNation on ESPN2, fails at making her own Super Bowl Ads: “This one is also terrible”

2 Thoughts