4 Ways to Make Some Quick Cash

If you’re in college right now, chances are that you are broke or you are as close to the red as possible. While many websites will offer tips on saving money or budgeting your funds or whatever, we all know that doing something as responsible as saving is beyond the capacity of our as-yet-developing university […]

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15 Semi-True Things You’ve Probably Already Heard About Marijuana from Various Sources

Think you know everything there is to know about the world’s most popular recreational drug? Think again. Here are fifteen facts about marijuana that you probably didn’t know: 1. More People Use It Than You Think. 4.4% of the world’s population consume marijuana — about 190 million people — and .6% use it on a […]

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Make a Map of Your Future: From Freshman to Senior

Deciding on your future can be a daunting task, especially right out of high school. In fact, many people feel that the major that they choose in college will be the path that they are on for the rest of their lives. This can be an overwhelming prospect. It leads to many people not making […]

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7 New Skills College Students Must Acquire To Prepare For The Changing Workplace

It is difficult for any educator to prepare a college student for a world that does not exist yet. The world is constantly changing. What hard skills may be in demand now could become obsolete after a few years. Even the best college consultants may find this a challenge. According to this recent report, CEOs, […]

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How to Deal with Stress in College or in Exams

College is an exciting experience, but it also can be an incredibly stressful one. For millions of college students taking exams, making presentations to large lecture halls of their classmates, or even just dealing with a troublesome roommate, can be enough stress to cause a tension headache. Succeeding in college means dealing with stress effectively. […]

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