What to do When you miss an Exam

It’s every student’s nightmare: you stay up till the crack of dawn cramming for an exam that’s worth a quarter of your final grade, but whoops! You forget to set your alarm clock and snooze right through it. As horrific as it may sound, this unfortunate scenario occurs more than you would think. Fortunately, there […]

5 Thoughts

13 Absolutely Crucial Habits of Successful Students

Being a successful student is a must with the raising costs of education. You have to go in there with a plan. Aimlessly going through each day will just bring you frustration and not success. You have already mastered how to write best SOP and now it’s time to master your studies. We list habits […]

Think First!

3 Jobs You Can Start While Still in College

College means different things to different people. For some it’s a time to let their hair down before they settle down to becoming serious professionals, for others it’s a launching pad that helps them achieve their professional and personal dreams and goals, and for yet others it is a sea of opportunities that they must […]

1 Thought

Be Aware of Degree Mills and other Online Education Scams

The following post is a guest post by Sheena Freestone. The opinions expressed are of the author. Everyone knows one of the keys to high achievement in life is the completion of a college degree. Whether you obtain your associates, bachelors, masters, or go all the way to PhD, the education and experience you receive […]

6 Thoughts

Why Getting an M.B.A. Online Makes Sense for Entrepreneurs

The following post is a guest post by Chase Jenkins. Chase is a freelance writer for MyCollegesandCareers.com. MyCollegesandCareers.com helps people determine if an online education is right for them and helps them understand which online schools they can choose from to reach their goals. These days, you don’t necessarily need an M.B.A. to create (or […]

126 Thoughts