Size Does Matter (At Least for Monitors)

University of Utah researchers recently completed a study testing how productive different size monitors make computer users. The researchers found that those who used 24 inch monitors performed common office tasks like editing word documents or spreadsheets 52% faster than those using a 18 inch monitor. Those who used two 20 inch monitors performed the […]

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Hulu Goes Live. Free TV for All

NBC and News Corp’s joint venture is in the process of going live as of 11:30pm on March 11th. Hulu was previously only available to select beta users but according to the site any user will be able to freely sign up. We’re sorry but is temporarily down for maintenace as we prepare […]

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Student May Be Expelled for Creating Facebook Group

Chris Avenir, a freshman student at Ryerson University in Toronto, is up against possible expulsion for creating a Facebook group. The purpose for the group was to create a way for students to help each other on homework assignments and other class work much as they would inside a real classroom in a 20th century […]

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NIN’s Ghost Album Makes a $Million

Recently, we announced Nine Inch Nails released their newest album for free. Since then and solely due to our endorsement, Trent Reznor, who released the album without any major record label supporting him, has made $750,000 (it will probably be a million in no time… trust us). How does someone who releases an album for […]

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Guns on Arizona Campuses

With all the recent school shooting, guns on campus has become an issue of popular conversation even diverting some media coverage from the 2008 elections. Our very own Nick Bernard, who previously wrote about the issue, will be happy to hear that an Arizona bill was passed allowing students with concealed weapons permits (and over […]

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