Last Day to Register to Vote

Today is the last day to register to vote in California. The deadlines in many other states have already passed. Remember to do your part and vote! If you have never registered to vote before or have changed your address since the last election, you will need to register. Here are the deadlines: Alabama – […]

Think First!

Start Saving Money with Vonage Mobile

[Full disclosure: College Being has been paid to write the following post.] Vonage Mobile is a new app available on the iStore and the Andriod Market which allows you to text and call anyone around the world for free or for a low, fixed rate. You can call/text other U.S. and Canada Vonage Mobile users […]

Think First!

Why You Should Run a Background Check on Your New Beau

Do your boyfriends keep turning out to be criminals? Tired of finding out too late that your girlfriend is a compulsive liar and a kleptomaniac? In this day and age, you can never be too careful about you who date. Appearances can’t be trusted, and information new acquaintances give you could easily be false. How […]

2 Thoughts

How to Pick Up Chicks on Campus

College girls are just as horney as guys. How you go about picking them up will seperate you from the herd. Here are some tips on picking up college chicks: The Gym – Not the Good Kind of Sweat Girls are used to be looked at, checked out, and hit on at the gym. And […]

4 Thoughts

A Look at StingyCampus

StingyCampus, our Wii For Free partner, is a great resource for college students. On Stingy students can buy and sell items/textbooks, search for housing/roommates, get entry-level jobs/internships, share class notes, and receive discounts at their favourite stores. Each school has its own page keeping it secure and personal. Search for your school right on their […]

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