Booze Reviews: Killian’s Irish Red

Inspired by Nick, I have decided to write a booze review as well. I will be featuring my new favorite beer this summer: Killian’s Irish Red. Even though it is made by Coors it is not on the cheap side (or the expensive side). It comes out to about $1.25 if you buy it from […]

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Human Tetris

This post actually has nothing to do with anything related to college at all, but I thought it was funny so I decided to put it here for you to enjoy it too. Hey, maybe instead of aspiring to become a doctor, lawyer, or the next Jane Goodall you can try to get on this […]

Think First!

Having a Baby while in College – Difficult or Impossible

Well, it’s not impossible, but being a parent while in college will certainly be a difficult thing. Having a baby takes up a lot of time and so should your studies. At the end of the day, your baby should come first, but it is important to keep up with your studies so that you […]

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Jobs – Is it the Right Fit for You?

Do you wake up every morning and get ready for work wondering how you got here? You want to be doing something else, something you’ve always dreamed about. There’s a feeling that something doesn’t fit right – the ‘stuck in a rut’ feeling. If you have a job that means you spend at least 70% […]

Think First!

EQ (Emotional Quotient): Why It’s Crucial for Your Applications

If you’re a college student focused on your studies and GPA, you probably don’t think much of your EQ, but this is in fact something you should think about even before you graduate. EQ or emotional quotient measures emotional intelligence—something some may dismiss as unimportant, holding to the outdated concept that IQ rules all. We […]

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