New Dove Commercial

Many of you have seen the awesome Dove Evolution commercial where an average-looking women is turned into a super hot model on a billboard with just makeup, lighting, and Photoshop. This is Dove’s newest commercial trying to convrey a similar message to the young girls. I encourage all the college girls who read college being […]

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Funniest Prank Ever – Pee on You

Alright, the following prank video has nothing to do with college but if you have 40 seconds to spare between classes, you will surely enjoy yourself.

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5 Ways to Save Money on College Textbooks

The textbook industry is a 14 billion dollar a year industry, and professors and colleges push that number as high as they can through a variety of means. These can include: slightly “updating” popular, expensive textbooks every few years, inflating prices of both new and used books, and conveniently “running out” of used books. The […]

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Grandma, what’s a dildo?

I was recently having a debate with a friend of mine about abstinence-only sex education. So, instead of turning college being into a political site, I will just show you a fun video about an old lady talking about sex toys. Maybe one day teens will be able to obtain factual sexual information in their […]

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7 Porn Movies That Should Have Been: Vol. 1 – Now in Theaters [nsfw]

Below are seven fictional, but totally believable porn movies. Porn movie producers: I want royalties if this is your next big hit. Titles include the following movies: Daddy Day Cramp, Inside Paris, The Boner Ultimator, Under Doggie, Harry Popper 5, Who’s You Daddy?, and Hot Rod. Jump to see the DVD covers I made using […]

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