Complete Short Movie: Spider

The following 8-minute video is the complete short movie “Spider.” It was directed by Nash Edgerton and produced by Aussie film company Blue-Tongue Films. The film has been shown at the Sydney Film Festival, Melbourne, Telluride, Cork, AFI Fest in L.A., and others. Enjoy. [Source: Blue-Tongue Films]

6 Thoughts

The Gold Standard

I was talking to my friend the other day about how much I love the gold standard and how I wish we still had a similar precious-material-based monetary system in the U.S. She looked at me and said, “I thought we were on the gold standard.” Well, we are not. The following short video explains […]

13 Thoughts

The First Honest College Ad

Good universities generally do not make television ads. “But what about all the college ads I see on TV?” Well the following would be a more accurate representation of those schools: P.S. If you go to a school that actually has commercials, I mean no offense, but you have got to see at least some […]

2 Thoughts

LOLCatz Stike Back

LOLCatz are not as dumb as they seem. [Source]

2 Thoughts

Do you know who I am?

The following video has been around for a long time, but I thought I’d share it anyway. It tells a lot about large universities and the level of individuality professors see among students. I go to one of the largest universities in the U.S. and am sure that only a minority of my professors know […]

4 Thoughts