Creative Ways to Save Money in College

The stereotype of the starving college student didn’t come from nowhere. With beaucoup bucks going towards tuition and books you probably don’t have a lot left over for extras like, say, living expenses. This means you’re balancing a tight monthly budget that has very little wiggle room. And yet, you likely have plenty of ideas […]

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6 Ways to Avoid the Freshman 15 (Without Actually Working Out)

What’s the Deal..? Do people really gain 15 pounds during their freshman year at college? Or is the Freshman 15 actually more myth than it is fact? In a 2006 study done by the University of Oklahoma, 137 female freshmen were poked and prodded with the end result being they gained 2 pounds over the […]

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What is online dating and what’s in it for you?

The expansion of the internet and the online world has affected and improved people’s lives in a number of fantastic ways. The internet today provides everybody with useful knowledge about a variety of different topics, but more than that it has helped friends and family remain in contract throughout the world. One of the internet […]

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