How To Avoid Colds and the Flu

Living arrangements in college can be pretty awesome: sharing dorms or apartments with friends means always having a buddy around for a Lost marathon, power hour, or last minute pizza party. However, living in close quarters with other people also means that your chances of catching a cold or other bug are greatly increased. In […]

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5 Things You Shouldn’t Bring to College

You’re going to have a laundry list of stuff that you need to bring with you when you head off to college, from your laptop and school supplies, to XL twin bedding, to clothing that’s appropriate for the climate you’ll now be living in. But while there are certain things you need (winter boots, a […]

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Dating Tips with Christopher Mendes

Below is an interview with our very own, editor-in-chief and master-of-seduction, Christopher Mendes. The interview was conducted by Tonya of Tonya: The days of going to college for your “MRS degree” were not so long ago. Many college students still intend to get married when they graduate. What should a college student do to […]

3 Thoughts

Farting in Class – Hilarious Video!

1 Thought

5 Reasons to Get Outside

So you’ve heard about the dangers of sun exposure, but did you know it could be even more dangerous to stay inside? Quit worrying about your lily-white skin and hit the beach, you’ll be glad you did. Here are five reasons to break out your sunscreen and toast your tootsies. 1. Exercise It’s so much […]

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