Be a Little Less Broke with the Right Student Rewards Credit Card

These days, with a sluggish economy and rising prices of, well, everything, everyone could use a little extra cash. But add the cost of tuition, books and beer into an already meager budget, and college students can use a lot more money. Put some cash back in your pocket by finding the best rewards credit […]

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Understanding the value of college

College is a rewarding experience which can also cost a lot of cash. Understanding how to make the most value out of your time in school involves understanding the financial aid available, the importance of employment, and the ways to most appropriate regard your taxes. The value of financial aid: Pell Grants and Stafford Loans […]

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How to Coax Your Girl Into Anal Sex

By Eric J. Leech, author of Love, Lust, and Relationships and writer for Miyoko Fujimori is a former house dancer who became an international feature entertainer in 1997. After pioneering the hit talk show, Night Calls 411, for Playboy TV, she had a slew of opened doors for television and film roles. Today, she […]

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Best Sites to Find College Text Books

Paying for college can be a nightmare. Overinflated prices, dormitory rentals or apartments off campus, a drop in the amount of work for students… that is the reality of university that we are often confronted with when the time comes to apply. What a bleak image it is, too. While there are scholarships and grants […]

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Best Smartphone Data Plan for College Students

Being a Droid user I hate to admit it, but the king of smartphones is undoubtedly the Iphone. A week after its release the Iphone 4s was in the hands of 4 million people. However, with Appleā€™s newest Iphone comes the addition of yet another cell phone provider, Sprint, leaving us to wonder: Which cell […]

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