How to Learn Math Like a Slacker
The above video was the winner for the America’s Smartest Slacker contest. Nice job everyone who entered!
The right and easy way to sell textbooks
Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t difficult to sell textbooks. Once you find out the right time and right place to sell, it becomes a walk in the park. Here’s a list of things you should think about when you sell textbooks to make sure you get the best value: PRICE Before you start the […]
Inexpensive Dating Ideas for College Students
Dating. There really isn’t much that we sink as much time, effort, and cash into like dating. It is not uncommon for a doe-eyed rube to chance upon a prospective paramour with the best intentions in his or her heart only to find that, hey, this shit’s expensive. So, how does one deftly circumvent one […]
Having a Car in College: Is it Worthwhile?
In one word: no Most college students see their first foray into the real world as a long-awaited bid for freedom. And this is exactly what the image of a car promotes: the freedom to go wherever you want whenever you want to. Unfortunately, most automobiles are more like a ball and chain than a […]