Booze Reviews Platinum: Ruddles County

So a couple of days ago, I dropped $40 on eight beers. The cheapest of them was $2, the most expensive nearly $11. As such, I’ve decided to do a series of “Platinum” Booze Reviews, on expensive, high-class alcohol. This will last at least until such time as I’ve finished my beer. First up: Ruddles […]

1 Thought

Friday Funnies: President Bush Is Dead

When Einstein died and arrived at the gates of heaven, St. Peter wouldn’t let him in until he proved his identity. Einstein scribbled out a couple of his equations, and was admitted into paradise. And when Picasso died, St. Peter asked, “How do I know you’re Picasso?” Picasso sketched out a couple of his masterpieces. […]

2 Thoughts

How to Get a Hot Girlfriend, Guaranteed!

If you currently do not have a hot girlfriend or have never had one, then you are the problem. Change yourself with these helpful hints and you are sure to get some hot babes crawling all over you. [Note: The lower number means that rule is more important, e.g., rule #1 is the most important, […]

48 Thoughts

Net Neutrality

Net neutrality is an increasingly important issue. What is scary is that almost all Americans do not know what it means [source]. Basically, if net neutrality fails what will happen is AT&T, Verizon, and other internet service providers will have full control of what you will be able to see on the internet. They will […]

1 Thought

Booze Reviews: Spaten Optimator

For the return of Booze Reviews, I’ve decided to do something different. Spaten is one of the five major Munich breweries (the other four being Paulaner, Augustiner, Löwenbräu, and Hofbräu), and as such they have several hundred years of experience brewing awesome beer. They make several varieties, including a pilsner and an Oktoberfest brew, but […]

10 Thoughts