Guitar Rising: Guitar Hero with Real Guitars

The one thing that sucks about the newest series of hit games where you play “musical instruments” is that you spend hours learning how to play on a plastic toy that you are never going to use after you beat the game. Enter Guitar Rising, GameTank’s newest production. Guitar Rising will allow players to use […]

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Time stops at Grand Central Station for five minutes

Last Thursday, the New York comedy group Improv Everywhere played a prank on all those walking through Grand Central Station. The 207 participants completely froze for a full five minutes. Take a look at the video below to see how people react. [youtube jwMj3PJDxuo nolink] [Improv Everywhere]

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Sarah Silverman is Fucking Matt Damon

Sarah Silverman is currently cheating on Jimmy Kimmel with Matt Damon, and decides to compose a song with Damon to finally announce this to the world. [youtube wnVJZkDuVBM nolink]

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Black Sheep: The Greatest Movie of All Time

Yes, that is a sheep eating a man’s face. Courtesy of IMDB. Let me start by saying this: Black Sheep is a movie about genetically engineered, man-eating sheep. If that makes you think “Oh man, what a great idea for a movie!” continue reading. If you think that sounds retarded, skip this article. This movie […]

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New Dove Commercial

Many of you have seen the awesome Dove Evolution commercial where an average-looking women is turned into a super hot model on a billboard with just makeup, lighting, and Photoshop. This is Dove’s newest commercial trying to convrey a similar message to the young girls. I encourage all the college girls who read college being […]

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