A Proper Way to Deal with Antagonistic Feelings against France

In order to protest against France who attempted to politicize the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games by impeding the torch relay in Paris and even financing the brutal Tibet insurrectionists who had killed thousands of innocent Tibetans, Chinese people all over the world have stuck together and decided spontaneously to launch a boycott of French goods, […]

16 Thoughts

Patriotism among Chinese Students

The recent turmoil caused by Tibet-independence activists trying to disrupt the smooth procession of Olympic torch relay has aroused world-wide attention to China. As a protest to the above action, hundreds of thousands of students abroad initiated demonstrations to protect the torch and to go against their independence activities, from which, Chinese students’ patriotism has […]

4 Thoughts

Top 10 American Cities with the Cleanest Water

I am constantly thinking about what city to live in after I graduate college. One factor that I think is important, although often over-looked, is clean water. I look forward to the day when I can smash the Brita that I have to continually fill-up and buy new filters for. Here is Forbes’ list of […]

5 Thoughts

“Alternative” Energy Sources

I believe alternative energy is a must for our future, and if we don’t get on this wagon we are going to be left behind. We should be proactive and not leave it up to politicians or the corporate empire to decide when is the right time to switch energy sources. By the time their […]

8 Thoughts

How to have fun at a college in a small town

Where’s the party at? Are there even enough places open on the weekend here in Rando-ville for me to enjoy my college experience? Am I doomed to four years alone on my couch? I’m from a big city, so how will I stay sane in this town? All of these are valid questions—no, really! Many […]

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