Put a Cork in It

This is a real story from a newspaper. It has got to be one of the funniest pranks ever. The caller was really smart yet a little bit dumb for wasting a trip to Bali.

3 Thoughts

Lulu’s Lunacy: Abstinence Only

Hi everyone! Time for another dose of lunacy. Pretty soon you’ll be addicted. Long ago, I found this hilarious website, but I forgot about it until I saw a sketch on Daily Show today. This website makes abstinence look great, fun, and even possibly sexually appealing! Highlights from AbstinenceOnly.org (seriously, it exists -Lulu) Home Page […]

6 Thoughts

8 Motivational Movies That Every Student Must Watch

There is never too much motivation needed by students because there are times when things can get a little challenging. So much to get through in a short space of time is what is required. If you have a strong list of motivational and inspirational movies, books or speeches, you might just get through it […]

1 Thought

My First Post: Top Ten Reasons Why You Will Read My Posts

Hi everyone! This is my very first time writing for Collegebeing. This is very exciting! I guess you are all curious as to who I am, but that will have to wait for another time. For now, I would like to recruit as many readers as possible, and since I enjoy reading Top Ten lists, […]

15 Thoughts

How You Can Get Pregnant and How You Can’t

Ways you can get pregnant: Have unprotected sex with someone of the opposite sex. If number 1 fails, go to a fertility clinic. If number 2 fails, you are infertile. That sucks! Ways you cannot get pregnant: [Picture source]

8 Thoughts