The First Honest College Ad

Good universities generally do not make television ads. “But what about all the college ads I see on TV?” Well the following would be a more accurate representation of those schools: P.S. If you go to a school that actually has commercials, I mean no offense, but you have got to see at least some […]

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LOLCatz Stike Back

LOLCatz are not as dumb as they seem. [Source]

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Do you know who I am?

The following video has been around for a long time, but I thought I’d share it anyway. It tells a lot about large universities and the level of individuality professors see among students. I go to one of the largest universities in the U.S. and am sure that only a minority of my professors know […]

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5 Tips to keep your skin moisture

Almost every woman is yearning for moist skin and they keep looking for ways to realize their dreams. Are you feeling horrible when your face is covered with oil or your facial skin is too dry that you feel difficult to put on make-up? Are you spending bundles of money on expensive moisture sets or […]

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What It’s Like to Be a Guy in Class

Howdy folks! This is exactly what it’s like to be a guy in a boring class [read: any class]: [Source: CollegeHumor]

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