Having a Baby while in College – Difficult or Impossible

Well, it’s not impossible, but being a parent while in college will certainly be a difficult thing. Having a baby takes up a lot of time and so should your studies. At the end of the day, your baby should come first, but it is important to keep up with your studies so that you […]

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How to get people to ignore you

Not everyone is interested to stay and play in the limelight. Others (read: me) love to hide in the shadows, sulk and not engage in any undertaking. Unfortunately, several activities require our presence – assemblies, club meetings, seminars, and so on. For such scenarios, I have with me my trusty list of Ignore-me tactics. Use […]

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10 Dormitory Essentials Every College-Going Guy Needs

Your college years are the time to absorb fresh ideas and experiences, while making new friends and figuring out life as you manage all of this independently, possibly for the first time. Being away from the comforts of your home and staying in a dorm room can be a challenge if you’re unprepared. To make […]

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4 Things to Consider when Picking your First Apartment

One of the most exciting things about college is finding that first apartment. The parents are gone and what better way to celebrate your independence than living with your closest friends? It becomes your home away from home, sanctuary, and your space to relax when college gets too crazy. However, it can easily become your […]

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Jobs – Is it the Right Fit for You?

Do you wake up every morning and get ready for work wondering how you got here? You want to be doing something else, something you’ve always dreamed about. There’s a feeling that something doesn’t fit right – the ‘stuck in a rut’ feeling. If you have a job that means you spend at least 70% […]

Think First!