Booze Reviews: Red Stripe

Forgot to do this over the weekend, when I actually had Red Stripe, but nonetheless I think I remember it well enough. Red Stripe is a Jamaican lager, distinguishable by the oddly shaped bottle (similar to Sessions Lager) and, of course, the red stripe. It’s not exceptionally hoppy, but still has a good flavor to […]

2 Thoughts

Remembering Harry Potter Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

In the spirit of the new Harry Potter book coming out tomorrow, I am going to help you remember all the events of the last book. I will not give away any spoilers for Book 7. Skip this story if: You do not like Harry Potter (I used to be ones of these until I […]

15 Thoughts

6 Alternative Ways to Pay for College When You Don’t Have Money

College is expensive. It is really expensive and paying for it may be a challenge for a lot of families. Sometimes loans for students can seem like the easiest solution, but it feels different when it comes time to pay off. Trust me you are going to get buried in that debt. Thus, if you […]

Think First!

Booze Reviews: Killian’s Irish Red

Inspired by Nick, I have decided to write a booze review as well. I will be featuring my new favorite beer this summer: Killian’s Irish Red. Even though it is made by Coors it is not on the cheap side (or the expensive side). It comes out to about $1.25 if you buy it from […]

6 Thoughts

Booze Reviews: Newcastle Brown Ale

Today on Booze Reviews, one of my favorite beers: Newcastle Brown Ale. This beer is sold pretty much everywhere in the US, for not too much money–about $1 a bottle. This is unless, of course, you live in Utah where it’s the utterly ridiculous price of $2.35 a bottle at the state liquor store. Newcastle […]

2 Thoughts