Farting in Class – Hilarious Video!
So you’ve heard about the dangers of sun exposure, but did you know it could be even more dangerous to stay inside? Quit worrying about your lily-white skin and hit the beach, you’ll be glad you did. Here are five reasons to break out your sunscreen and toast your tootsies. 1. Exercise It’s so much […]
We’ve all tasted cheap beer. You know that toe-curling malt liquor every college student forces down their gullets on Thursday nights. But hey, what’s college for anyways? I get it, you’re a broke student on the verge of splurging next month’s rent on cheap thrills and bad decisions. At the same time, it’s not exactly […]
Most college students look forward to the long days of summer when the textbooks can be tucked away and eight hours of sleep can be had on any given night. Yet once summer sets in, many people find themselves with a case of the summertime blues. Here are a few causes of summer depression and […]
By Eric J. Leech, author of Love, Lust, and Relationships In today’s world of feely, touchy, emotional, and politically-correct nonsense, many of the worlds most important questions have been left unsaid, unanswered, unrepresented, or just plain unaccounted for. It is these politically incorrect mysteries that most college guys really want to know. We don’t care […]