NIN’s Ghost Album Makes a $Million

Recently, we announced Nine Inch Nails released their newest album for free. Since then and solely due to our endorsement, Trent Reznor, who released the album without any major record label supporting him, has made $750,000 (it will probably be a million in no time… trust us). How does someone who releases an album for […]

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Guns on Arizona Campuses

With all the recent school shooting, guns on campus has become an issue of popular conversation even diverting some media coverage from the 2008 elections. Our very own Nick Bernard, who previously wrote about the issue, will be happy to hear that an Arizona bill was passed allowing students with concealed weapons permits (and over […]

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Download New Nine Inch Nails CD for Free

The first nine tracks of the newest Nine Inch Nails CD entitled “Ghosts” is available for download right now off their website. More affluent customers and/or those who want all 36 tracks may purchase the entire CD for $5. This type of record release follows the same methodology as many previous record releases including Radiohead’s […]

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Fake Ferrari for One Fifth the Price

A fake Ferrari ring in Sicily, Italy has just been caught by the police. 15 people were arrested and 21 cars were confiscated, 14 that were already sold for about 20,000 euros. The cars used parts from different makes that were modified to look like Ferrari classics. [Picture credit: ZeroOne] [Source: Reuters]

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Amazon Downloader Now on Linux

Perhaps in response to iTunes announcing it is the second music retailer in the U.S., Amazon has begun to release its download software on Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, and OpenSUSE versions of Linux. This allows for an additional 1.34 percent of the personal computer market to purchase mp3 songs (1). Even though currently a small percentage, […]

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