facebook infomercial
The following video is one of the best parodies I have seen. Plus, it involves Facebook for Facebook Week. It was produced by USC’s EXPOSED and submitted to us by R.J. Enjoy. [youtube dHi-ZcvFV_0 nolink]
The following video is one of the best parodies I have seen. Plus, it involves Facebook for Facebook Week. It was produced by USC’s EXPOSED and submitted to us by R.J. Enjoy. [youtube dHi-ZcvFV_0 nolink]
Inspired by Nick’s No, I don’t hate America. Thanks for asking., I will show you a video from last night’s Emmy’s. In this video Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert give Steven Carrell an Emmy just for being their friend. How nice. [youtube V2ZFwHXq8s0 nolink] P.S. In case you do not understand why Nick’s post was […]
So this evening, I was browsing through the website for the University of Utah’s student paper and I read this utter piece of shit. It’s your standard rant about how because Democrats don’t universally support General Petraeus’s recommendations, they want our troops to die and our country to burn. My rant is after the jump.
So, this past weekend, I hosted a 99 party. A 99 party is my personal invention where only 99 drinks are served (although I also had some beers for the more wimpy of my friends). 99 drinks consist of 99 Bannanas, 99 Berries, 99 Cherries, 99 Apples, 99 Oranges, and 99 Peaches (which I was […]
After writing 8 useful articles college students should read, I have actually started to use some of the ideas on those sites. With slight modification, I have come up with the best way to get a procrastinator like me to get things done. Here is what I do: I make a to-do list with everything […]