Earn While You Learn: 5 Part-Time Jobs for College Students

It’s no surprise that many college students are broke. Tuition keeps going up while scholarships disappear and it’s harder than ever to get loans with the ongoing recession. So what’s a student to do when there are no more used textbooks at the campus bookstore and he barely has the money for a cafeteria burrito?

Sadly, it’s time to get a job. But with class schedules that are all over the map, it can be difficult to nail down a schedule for work (why, oh why, do they always put lectures in the morning and labs in the afternoon instead of placing one right after the other?). Often, a part-time job is the only option, and that usually means working nights and weekends at some minimum wage slop.

Luckily, the modern college student, connected to the internet and savvy in the ways of communication technology, may have a lot more to offer than an upgrade to large fries and a drink. Here are a few part-time jobs that every student will want to get: Click to continue reading…


How to Not Get Addicted to Online Gambling

Going off to college provides young adults with the opportunity to try many new things that would probably be considered dangerous or stupid by their parents (even though they did exactly the same things when they were in college).

While your days are no doubt spent fueling your repository of knowledge within the vaunted halls of learning, any time not devoted to study is more likely spent filling your gullet with alcohol at a frat party. And now that you’re of age (and happily removed from the clutches of your over-protective parents) you can also buy cigarettes, stay out all night, and participate in that most adult of games: gambling. With the advent of online poker, you can even do it from the relative comfort of your dorm room. But how can you tell when your fun has turned into an addiction? And what can you do to stop it? Click to continue reading…

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Managing Type I Diabetes in College: Do’s and Don’t’s

Type 1 diabetes is a disease that is characterized by the body’s inability to produce insulin. Patients are usually diagnosed with this disease early on in life, after exhibiting common symptoms, including frequent urination, weight loss, and abnormally frequent hunger and thirst.

While many young adults learn to effectively cope with their diabetes, the transition to college can make managing this disease more difficult. Many young adults are living away from home for the first time, leaving them to deal with their disease, without the help and support of their parents. Fortunately, when following a few simple tips, patients with type 1 diabetes can seamlessly make the transition to college life, without sacrificing their health.

Effectively Manage Type I Diabetes in College

While adjusting to college life can be difficult at first, it is important to maintain your daily routine as much as possible. If you have learned to manage your disease through regular exercise, healthy dietary choices, and insulin replacement therapy, then it is important to remain committed to your management plan. Click to continue reading…

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How to Split Your Rent Fairly Using SplitTheRent.org

If you’re someone who shares (or plans to share) a place with friends or roommates, you’ll know how hard it can be to split up the rent fairly. There is always a much larger Master bedroom which often has a private full bathroom. Some rooms may have different sized closets and windows. When splitting the rent, all of these things have to be taken into consideration so that everyone is paying a fair amount for their room. So just how do you split up the rent while taking all of these extra details into consideration? You do it using the rent calculator for roommates at SplitTheRent.org.

How it Works

With SplitTheRent.org, you don’t have to worry about deciding who pays what. It will do all of the calculations for you. The calculator makes adjustments based on other factors of the room besides size. For example, if room #1 is small but has an awesome window and huge closet, then that roommate will pay more than the person in room #2 which is also small, but has no windows and a normal sized closet. Click to continue reading…

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Getting on the Guest List

Let’s face it: getting into the hottest clubs near campus can present a problem for even the most presentable of college students. Dressing to the nines, bringing a bushel of babes, and throwing around a little cash may help to get you in the door, but for the average college student on a budget, these time-honored tricks simply might not be an option.

The idea here is not to impress with your wallet, but to use your collegiate wit and wisdom to worm your way onto the guest list (hopefully with less alliteration than featured in that last sentence).

So if you’re looking to party it up at some city hotspots without having to produce a wad of Jacksons to jump the line, here are a few tips that could help to get your name on the guest list:

  1. Bring girls…lots of them. Everybody knows that eye-candy is a big part of the set dressing for any club. So loading up your entourage with lovely ladies is a great way to bypass the line of unfortunate souls waiting for entry. Of course, this scenario will play out a lot better if you look money, so dress for the occasion and have your female companions do the same.

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