College Being’s Best Super Bowl Ads of 2011

Welcome to College Being’s Annual Super Bowl Ads Awards. 2011 was the year of the rappers.

Worst Addition of a Rapper: P-Diddy (Mercedes-Benz – Welcome)

Best Addition of a Rapper: Eminem (Chrysler – Imported From Detroit)

Most Useless: Chevy Cruze Facebook Status Updates

Best Casting: Doritos Guy (The Best Part)

Most Refreshing: Coca Cola: Border

Creepy As Hell: Sony Ericsson Xperia

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Things to Consider When Joining a Sorority or Fraternity

Some college students know right away that they want to be a part of the Greek system on campus while others may be a bit more hesitant to join. There are certainly a lot of stereotypes attached to fraternities and sororities, some appealing and others not-so-flattering. But if you’re willing to take the rumors and media portrayals with a grain of salt, you can approach the prospect of pledging with an open mind and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Here are just a few things to consider when deciding whether or not to rush.

1. Obligations. Greek life will require some major commitments on your part. For one thing, you will likely have to devote several hours each week to house obligations such as gatherings, events, and charitable pursuits (not to mention “bouncing”…you’ll see). You will also be required to pay dues, the largest of which is the initiation fee, followed by payments each semester (on average, they can amount to several hundred dollars). If you simply don’t have the extra time or money, pledging may not be right for you.

2. Initiation. You’ve likely heard horror stories of hazing. Although campuses expressly prohibit any activities that could be harmful, dangerous, or illegal, it’s possible (even likely) that you will have to undergo something humiliating in order to join the brotherhood or sisterhood of your choice. When you think about it, it’s really no different than joining the military. Breaking people down and then building them up forms a strong bond of loyalty and understanding. Click to continue reading…


What to do When you miss an Exam

Image by <a href=''>NinJA999</a>

It’s every student’s nightmare: you stay up till the crack of dawn cramming for an exam that’s worth a quarter of your final grade, but whoops! You forget to set your alarm clock and snooze right through it. As horrific as it may sound, this unfortunate scenario occurs more than you would think. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help salvage your grade if this were to ever happen to you. Here is what to do if you ever miss an exam:

Think-Fast. If you happen to wake up while your exam is taking place, the first thing you want to do is decide whether you have enough time to even take at least a portion of the exam. This is because it’s better to earn a 40 percent on an exam than a zero—seldom is it possible to recover from a zero, even if your other marks are high.

It may include you dashing across campus in your pajamas, but it will certainly be worth it. Take note that some professors have strict rules about attendance and test days. For example, some professors don’t allow their students to enter their classroom if a student is more than 15 minutes late for an exam. If this is the case or perhaps you live off campus and won’t be able to make it in enough time, your best bet would be to regain your composure and think about how you are going to explain this to your professor. Click to continue reading…


Links: College Tips

CollegeCandy’s Guide to On-Campus Jobs

College Candy has a guide to five of the most useful college jobs including being a tutor, bartender, sports staff, and more.

Desk Job: […] If you can snag one of these jobs, you will be envied by ALL of your friends. Basically you are getting paid to do your homework.

[Also, here are 3 Jobs You Can Start While Still In College.]

the only advice in college

Nathan from How to Spell College says to sleep, cram, don’t cram, ask questions, be extroverted, and about ten more useful tips including:

stay true to yourself—but when something whispers in your ear that you might be wrong, don’t be afraid of listening to it: change a bit, experiment, balance.

Are You A Social Media Oversharer?

Christie, from College Candy, also gives some useful advice:

Personal hygiene is known as personal hygiene for a reason, and strangely enough, I don’t want to know when you’re hopping in the shower and curling your hair. And I really don’t know when you are feeling bloated; you don’t see me posting on your wall about how heavy my period may or may not be.

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Booze Reviews: Newcastle DraughtKeg

[Editor’s note: College Being was sent a review sample of Newcastle DraughtKeg. This will not influence our opinions.]

Newcastle now joins Heineken with their own mini keg offering. The Newcastle DraughtKeg is a mini 5-litre keg. It comes with enough beer for 14 regular 12 oz servings and costs about $15 to $20 depending on where you live. The mini keg comes pre-pressurized so you do not need to pump and it can easily fit into a Beertender.

The DraughtKeg

The DraughtKeg is great. You get great-tasting fresh beer just as you would in a bar in Scotland. The keg stays fresh for up to a month, so even if you do not have a bunch of people over or if you are just an occasional beer drinker, it is perfect for you. We experienced no difference in taste and keg pressure from the opening date until we finished it.

There is no need to pay CRV costs for 12+ bottles when you buy a mini keg. That can add up to quite a bit if you’re in a state that charges CRV. Also the mini keg saves a lot of space in your fridge and weights a lot less than carrying 14 glass bottles.

Our biggest complaint with the system is that the DraughtKeg does not appear to be easily recyclable whereas glass bottles or aluminium cans can easily be recycled just about anywhere.

The Beer

Newcastle is a good brown ale with a full-body taste with hints of caramel and fruit. The foam is silky and the aftertaste is sweet. If you like Newcastle, be sure to try the DraughtKeg version. In our opinion it is fresher, tastier, and gives you more control of how much foam you want.

Further Reading

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